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A fleet of Imperial ships is on its way to secure the newest addition to the Sith Empire. It's not a large fleet, only seven ships total, but ships are spread a bit thin, and the planet's nowhere near Republic space anyway. It doesn't need a large armada to defend it. It needs archaeologists to explore the ancient tombs present on the planet, it needs colonization infrastructure with which to establish a base of operations, it needs... well, admittedly, it does need a little bit of military force. These are Imperials, after all. A new foray to an old planet wouldn't be complete without soldiers to blast the local wildlife, burn the local flora, and soak up the majority of a Sith's body count when they inevitably lose their temper and take it out on those conveniently located nearby.

Unfortunately for the soldiers present, there are two Sith in this fleet. Worse, one of them is in charge. He's already killed six, whose bodies have been quietly disposed of, because this is an Imperial vessel. They're used to this sort of thing. A Sith killing people? Just a thing that happens, sometimes. The other sith has yet to kill anyone, but she's kept mostly to herself and the small crew of her personal ship, so it's likely only a matter of time. They'll keep the incinerators on standby. They know what happens to people that spend time around Sith.

Besides, the fleet currently has bigger problems than the Sith in their midst. The organization of the jump to hyperspace goes normally, the hyperspace route is new, but it's stable, and none of the ships have any damaged hyperdrives. The nav computers are well built and calculating without errors. They should, by any rights, have a perfectly ordinary trip to the planet.

But the universe is not always fair. For example: while they are in hyperspace, something - goes wrong. The blue of hyperspace shifts purple, twists in a way it shouldn't. No one's quite sure what causes it - some techs argue that a nearby star went nova, others think the hyperspace route was faulty, some insist that nothing they know of could possibly explain this result, it must be a new phenomenon - but the end result?

Seven Imperial ships drop out of hyperspace, one by one, and they are not at the advertised destination.

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"Thank you," says Callida, smiling. "It's good to see you too."

"Yes, you have a lovely home!" chimes in Envee.


"Thank you!" says Cordelia. "You can't see my contribution from here; it's the lift tube at the back."


"How very sensible!" declares Envee, delighted. "Actually, speaking of, do you mind if Callida turns off her translation module so she can practice speaking English?"

Callida has a very dry look on her face, but doesn't protest this.


"Not at all, if Callida would like to do that," she says.


"My accent's a bit thick and my vocabulary needs work, and there will probably be awkward pauses as I try to string words together, but no, I don't mind. I could use the practice."

"Excellent!" says Envee, pleased.


"Come on in, then, both of you."

She leads them to the dining room, where Miles is waiting.


"Hello, Envee! Hello, favourite Sith Lord!"


Inside go the pair, and they take their seats.

"Hello!" says Envee, brightly.

"Hello, Miles," she says, after a pause to fiddle with the translator, in accented but understandable English.


"Ooh, no translator."


"Yes. Sorry if I'm not as -" she pauses to figure out the word. "- well-spoken."

"She's actually had the translator on standby for translating to Basic for a while. Where it'll give her a translation for a sentence if she asks for it, but otherwise leave her to figure it out on her own."


"You're picking the language up pretty fast, then."


"There are Force.... things... for memory."

"Techniques," provides Envee.

"Thank you. Force tech-niques." She has a bit of trouble pronouncing this word, and winces slightly.

"And she's had some practice at learning languages before. Most of them were dead, and the ones that weren't she didn't need to personally speak, so actually speaking a different language is a bit of a change for her!"


"Well, I'm impressed with your progress," says Miles.


"Thank you."


"How many languages do you know? I speak English natively, Russian fluently, French conversationally, and Greek inadequately," says Miles.


"I'm not - fluent in any of them, but I understand Huttese, Bocce, Binary, a bit of Durese and Cheunh. And the - native Sith language. Then a number of dead languages useful for..." What's the word for archaeology? "..... digging up dead things."


"I'm going to assume you were reaching for 'archaeology' rather than 'graverobbing', although the line can be thin."


"Archaeology," she agrees, amused. "... Some graverobbing. The robbed dead were terrible, so it's fine."


"Whose graves have you robbed?"


"Sith Lords. Terrible ones."


"I suppose I could've guessed that. I'm tempted to ask what you found there, but I'm not sure it would make good dinner conversation." Pause. "Because 'whose graves have you robbed' is perfectly good dinner conversation, of course."


Callida smiles. "Of course."


He laughs.


She was correct, it is easier to deal with how atrociously hot he is when she has a plan. She can just vaguely enjoy his laughter while still keeping the necessary emotional distance.

"Sometimes there were holocrons." And other things she can't talk about. "Buried with the Sith Lords because -" and then vocabulary fails her. She makes a face and waves a hand. "They didn't trust anyone. Took everything they had to death, or tried to."


Meanwhile, does Cordelia want to hear about all of the interesting stuff about the galaxy Envee knows? She knows so much interesting stuff! A lot of it's language based, but she knows the history of the languages and some of the culture surrounding the languages, too.

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