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What do you do with the trapped souls of the Queen of Infernal Cheliax and the Grand High Priestess of Asmodeus? You can’t, actually, keep them that way forever. Lastwall has spared no expense in keeping their soul gems as securely as possible, but given what Asmodeus proved willing to spend on defending Cheliax, it stands to reason that no security mortals can provide will keep his favored puppets imprisoned forever, or even for very long. Heaven could do better, of course, but they do not really want to try to match Hell intervention for intervention, not when Asmodeus is acting like this.

Besides the security question, of course, it is wronging someone greatly to keep their soul trapped forever, even when that person is Abrogail Thrune or Aspexia Rugatonn; hardly better than destroying it, even if Pharasma accounts it differently. It is better, by the values of almost all mortals, than sending them to Hell, but there are exceptions, and loyal Asmodeans are perhaps likelier than average to be exceptions.

They cannot, actually, send them to Hell, even if they would have preferred it over oblivion; if they do they will be resurrected immediately and continue to be used for Asmodeus’ purposes on Golarion. They could try to negotiate an arrangement where Asmodeus promises not to resurrect them, but that would be trusting Asmodeus, and unwise on principle.

This leaves, of course, the option of sending them to Nirvana and seeing what Nirvana can do. Iomedae doesn’t have a good estimate of how likely this is to work; in her judgement redemption, like love, is a concern overrepresented among the Good gods and emphasized out of all proportion to how much it actually improves the world. So Lastwall asks the church of Shelyn instead; Shelyn, who has for personal reasons made something of a study of the redemption of beings twisted by Evil, and whose marginal intervention is in Lastwall’s opinion far less efficiently used than Iomedae’s.

Shelyn, unaware of the risk of reducing Herself to a plot device for ridiculous glowfic premises, knows just what to do.

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Twilight Sparkle, this apparently being an actual name that someone gave their child, lives in an enormous tree near the center of Ponyville. When they arrive, however, the door is answered by a tiny purple-and-green dragon.

"Oh hi, Fluttershy," he says. "Who's this?"


"I'm Abrogail. I'm from very far away. Is Twilight here?"

The dragon has sort of the right coloration to be a havoc dragon. It's not evidence against this being somewhere in Elysium, at any rate.


"Oh, cool! How far away? Like Manehattan*?"

(*Abrogail will hear an appropriate horse-related Taldane pun on the name of Absalom.)


She's had undispellable permanent Tongues since she was twelve years old and rarely even notices the actual language she's speaking. That, however, will get her to pay attention.

Tongues usually achieves a reasonably idiomatic translation. It doesn't make puns. Something is up with this place. 

"Farther than that, I think. I was hoping Twilight could help me figure out exactly how far, actually."


"Well, she went down to Sugarcube Corner to check on the preparations for the Princess's visit."


Todo: find out vastly more about this so-called princess, beginning with whether she's as hopelessly naïve as her subjects.

She hasn't mentioned being a queen yet. She doesn't exactly have a queen's power to call on anymore, in exile and with the Iomedaens having stolen her country, and mostly it hurts to think about, but even queenship in exile might get her a more useful conversation with the local royalty than she would otherwise have.


"Thanks, Spike!" says Fluttershy, and heads off toward Sugarcube Corner.


"You're welcome! Good luck!"


When she reaches the garishly decorated building, she enters the door at a run, sliding across the floor and coming to a halt in a sitting pose. 

"Twilight! Pinkie! Come look, I met a new pony!"


"Oh! Welcome to Ponyville! What's your name?" says the purple unicorn who is presumably Twilight.


Pinkie Pie doesn't say anything, just narrows her eyes suspiciously at Abrogail. Her eyes, apparently moving independently of her head, perfectly track Abrogail's every movement while she continues to stuff her face with cake.


"Her" Infernal "Majestrix Abrogail Thrune, Queen of Cheliax, blah blah blah and so on, presently in exile."


"I've never heard of anywhere called Cheliax—and Princess Celestia is the ruler of all ponies."


To-do: find out how true that actually is on a scale of Taldor to ten.

"Yes, it's probably very far away. I wanted to see if you could help me figure out where I am in relation to anywhere I know. And I wasn't originally a pony. I was—" she makes a Silent Image of her human form.


"...why don't we take this back to the library? Fluttershy, your job is to make sure there's still some cake left for the Princess tomorrow."




"So, what exactly do you think happened?" Twilight asks Abrogail when they're back at the library. This is probably an 'ask the Princess what the fuck' type of situation but the Princess won't be here until tomorrow and Twilight's curiosity cannot in fact wait that long.


"I was the queen of a country on the planet Golarion. Ponies there don't talk—actually, the animals we call 'ponies' only look vaguely like you—like us," she corrects. There was a war. I was—magically imprisoned—and when I regained awareness I was four-legged and furry and standing in a field a couple miles from here. I thought at first I was in Nirvana—"


Twilight now has additional questions. She's going to interrupt before the list gets too long to keep track of.

"Hold on," she says. "What's a 'star-that-moves'? Stars don't move—well, the firmament moves, but they're attached to the firmament, unless you mean shooting stars, but I don't think you could live on one—if you could even live on a regular star, which—"


"Well, that answers some of my questions about this place," Abrogail says. Namely that they probably aren't on the Material. "A planet is an enormous ball of rock, so big that it seems flat from its surface. They orbit their sun like so—" Silent Image of Golarion's solar system (with the planets dramatically magnified).

Abrogail isn't really considering the possibility that Twilight thinks her world is flat and is wrong about that. There isn't actually a time in Golarion's recorded history before it had someone who could teleport to space and instantly verify its shape; she doesn't know this to be something that societies without the benefit of teleportation habitually get wrong. (No doubt some peasants back home get it wrong anyway, but Twilight is supposedly a wizard.)


This is all very fascinating but Twilight is distracted by a comparatively minor aspect of the situation.

"Could you do that illusion spell again? I want to watch you cast it."


"No; I have a limited number of castings per day and at this rate am likely to need all of them."

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