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Rubelite and Starchildren
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"I am still in training."


"Cool!  Training for what?"






"How old are you?"


"How long are your years?"


"Are you the type of good-at-numbers where if we show you a clock and tell you how many of the units it keeps are in a year you'll be able to extract something useful out of that?"




"Ehehehehehehe!!  Can you see the clock from there - or for that matter are you just on the floor because you think I still want that?  Now that I'm done with the scan I no longer have a preference about you being on the floor."


She gets up. "That?" she asks, pointing at the clock.




"The fastest hand moves once a second and makes a full rotation every onect aught seconds, which is called a minute.  There are onect aught minutes in an hour, fourct minutes in a day, and fourct aught days in a year!"



"Those numbers are not what I expect to coincide with the language we have been speaking."


"Oh, huh - but you got the other ones -"

   "Are you maybe using a magic thing or a technology thing or did you speak Latin before?"

"Is it just that you're used to using decimal so even though you're getting the words they aren't attaching to concepts you're fluent in?"


"According to my data this language is called English and not Latin, Latin being a different language. I do not have any magic that I am aware of. I have not been asking you why people from another universe speak English because it did not seem likely you would know, and it still doesn't, so probably you also do not know why you call it Latin instead. I can use any mathematical base but am not familiar with nontechnical English words referring to anything other than decimal or slightly dozenal systems."


"- We indeed don't know why those are slightly different when everything else seems to be the same, or why everything else seems to be the same!  That's very strange even among the whole of this situation being strange!!"

   "The fastest hand moves once a second and makes a full rotation every sixty-four seconds; sixty-four minutes in an hour; thirty-two hours in a day.  And two hundred fifty-six days in a year!"


"I am eight years old."


"Wow!  Humans are still young children at that age!"


"I know!"


"Do you consider yourself an adult or a child or outside of that framework?"


"Outside that framework. I am a spaceship."


"Stots.  Erm, I want to clarify something about having gotten your spit earlier, which is that I asked for it in order to put it through some tests so that we could find things out about you.  I did this without explaining it because, for one thing, at that time I thought we had more shared context than I now think we have and I expected you to at least approximately understand what I was going to do with it, and not let me have it if you objected to me having it.  For another, you let us scan you, and under most circumstances I would imagine those to be of comparable invasiveness.  And the tests I wanted to run on it take a little while and it seemed like it might take long enough to explain that it would make more sense to get them started and try to explain while they were running, in case they contained important information that let us verify stuff about you and it would be useful, for you, for us to have that sooner rather than later.  Especially since I could - and still can! - destroy the results without reading them, if that's what you want."


"I don't want you to clone this. I don't mind if you learn information about it."


"I'll destroy the generic sample that I did not do any tests on and that would have allowed someone to potentially clone this in the future."



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