Introduction to a Medianworld
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… If we went along with this, would you later be willing to consent to what you've said here being used as evidence in parliament for lowering the minimum age at which the courts will start treating people as adults against their will?


Objection! That’s corruption. The Harms department guy is using his public office to create evidence that supports his political faction. If public office powers are going to be used in that way, we’d have to ensure they were fairly split between factions too, and apparently one of the factions is pro-crime so that’d be a nightmare.


Objection Sustained. That last guy shall be thrown into a pit of angry lions for misconduct.



... I've been led to believe that nothing I say to you can be used as evidence for anything.


Not without your permission, no. We wouldn't dream of anything you say here being used as evidence of your guilt, nor as evidence of anything else without your consent. It can totally be used as evidence of your innocence, if you're somehow accused of something that the Harms Commission knows you didn't do.


... huh.


Anyway, if that's all agreeable, I'd also like to pre-register this other thing too, and I've been led to believe that even though you can't say anything that would help me, you can provide legal advice about whether or not certain things are crimes or whether certain legal arguments would work?


Yes, we are also lawyers. We can, technically, give that sort of legal advice.
Strictly so long as none of it is helpful.


The first actually hard part is getting a firearm.

You'd think nobody would be willing to sell guns to children. It's a pretty law-abiding society, mostly.




Here's proof we can flood the black markets with cheap handguns, if we want to. Here's how hard it'd be for people to buy those guns. Here's how much profit we expect we can make before you found our secret factory.


How about you try flooding the markets with paintball guns instead, and we use that as a baseline for how many sales you could've gotten before the guards stop you?


Objection! They're only interested in sales-revenue, right? So the Harms Commission would be doing a way better job if people didn't even get paintball guns out of it, and they just bought out their supplies until the guards caught them.


Maybe society thought about paying them for that outcome, and maybe my friends and I offered to pay them even more not to do that?


There's no way you could possibly outbid the rest of society.


Good Objection! If there’s time we’ll come back to it.


Sure, we can do that instead.

We'd also like to sell you some advice about how to stop the next dozen conspiracies doing the same thing.


They track them down in six weeks.


Everybody who was willing to put in the effort in any of these eleven cities has an illegal paintball gun now. Everyone at the hidden factory was a patsy. You've got no idea where the real mastermind is. So long suckers.


Tiger's conspiracy has two paintball guns, between the three of them.

It's plenty.

The third task was to pick the bank. The closest and most robbed bank in the city was on the corner of 3rd and 5th, because it was next to their middle school.


Like any customer facing market, several different financial service providers competed on price and service within the same building, who can accept and distribute physical tokens to those wanting to make withdrawals and deposits to their accounts. While the marketplace is regulated to the point that goods are almost standardised, a healthy competition of providers can exist on the other side of that marketplace, competing at any moment in time for who can offer account holders the most interest.

Government services, such as the stipend paid to children, could be accessed through an account from a provider of your choice, but physical token withdrawals still mostly had to be made in person. Adults mostly made large purchases online and only used physical tokens for smaller goods and incidentals, but children mostly used their money in token-form more locally.

The customers for a bank mostly consisted of children wanting tokens to buy goods from nearby retailers, and the retailers themselves returning the tokens as a bank deposit at the end of each day. Rarely would the tokens move further than that unless a child decided to go on a vacation.


One of the least robbed banks was six blocks from the water park, prime vacation destination for many children across the city, because children wouldn't think of ruining their time off by getting arrested, and they'd have to have smuggled in the paintball gun in advance.

This seemed foolish to Tiger, who believed in planning further ahead than that, and because it had the second most important property of a robbery target: a crowd of similar looking children to disappear into afterwards.

Rooms adjacent to the water park could be rented easily, and it would not be suspicious for a child to do so, nor could the Guard search you or your room without first offering to bet at least a thousand tokens against you that they'd find something incriminating.

Unfortunately, the nearest guard station sat directly between the two, which had a chilling effect on nearby children considering crimes and made escape harder.


Phase 1 begins with their mutual friend Search opening a small stall, just opposite the bank, selling masks with custom acrylic painted art on them at below the cost of production. This immediately attracts the guards attention, but Search says "I have no particular knowledge of a crime being planned involving my stall being here". This wouldn't work because no one they know has ever successfully lied to a guard, but it's in fact true. They haven't told Search anything and she's not very smart.

The stall is there every afternoon for 3 days before phase 2. The Guards will not be able to predict this (despite their nigh absolute predictive ability over the supposedly unpredictable elements of every other child’s scheme to rob a bank) because how long to wait was chosen by a die. While the conspiracy was watching them, the guards seemed to stop watching Search and go back to their station after day 1, and weren't doing anything weird on day 3.


Phase 2 begins with Tiger telling children near the bank that there's a secret surprise later for anyone who buys and wears a mask. Nobody would believe it isn't some salesman's confidence trick except that the masks are high quality, nicely painted, and very cheap, so many of the children decide to get one and wear it around.

Also it's obviously part of some cleverness and they really want to be in the in-group, but if anyone asks they'll say the first thing instead.


Phase 3 takes effect when half the guards are called away to a commotion at the water park. This was instigated by Toffee, who has been encouraging people all week in the belief the water turns green if you pee in it, and then has spent the morning slipping dissolving green dye tablets into people's pockets. The ability to predict the anti-social behaviour of children is not unique to guards, and this has caused some anger and impoliteness.


Phase 4 begins as soon as the guards reach the park entry.

It consists of Tiger, the supposed mastermind, attacking the bank by herself, wearing a mask and carrying her smuggled weapon. Her aim isn't ideal, but the bank tellers don't try very hard to dodge and are lying on the ground in under a minute. She obtains the keys and opens the token box while the assorted children, teenagers, and a few adults, watch in stunned, excited, and bemused silence, respectively.

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