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An Alethia has an interesting morning
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So is Maya. Petting her mate is lovely. Gentle and caring touch, sweet and beautiful mate, life is good. She leans down and presses a tender kiss to the top of Alethia's head.


Alethia sighs happily. Wow, this is lovely. Maya has hit some sort of sweet spot where she's just down from Too Much and is instead living in the Maximum Pleasantness Zone. She nuzzles happily into Maya's side.


She's very pleased to have achieved this. Happy mate nuzzles are wonderful. She smiles warmly and keeps petting Alethia. Lovely mate. Lovely lovely mate deserves to feel as cozy as possible as long as she likes.


Maya is so good.

You know, this goodness deserves a reward. Alethia leans up and gently kisses Maya on the cheek. Then she nuzzles said cheek. Because she can.


A very pleased sigh spills out of her at the cheek kiss and the nuzzle. Such goodness from her mate of course deserves a reward as well. In this case, the reward is another kiss to the top of her head and more petting and a gentle embrace.


Life is good. And very cozy. She's just going to luxuriate in this snuggle until it's time for Next Pirate, how about?


That is a thoroughly delightful and approved course of action. Maya is on board, and spends the time petting Alethia gently.

Eventually, though...

"Oh bah. I probably should not monopolize the rest of the date, tempting though it is to just keep petting you until the sun sets."


"I agree with both parts of that statement."


She leans in and kisses Alethia's cheek once more. "It has been a delight."


'It has been." 

Life is so good, all of a sudden. 


That is very much their goal.

She gives Alethia a last smile, and then shifts.


And then Sable's gently embracing her. "Hello again, beautiful."


"Hello once more, Sable!"

Snug snug!


"How is it legal for you to be this lovely? How are we this lucky?"

She shakes her head, a lovestruck grin splitting her face."


"I could very easily ask the same question. Multiple beautiful vampires for the price of one! Many sudden new friends!"

Friends are good.


Her grin widens and she teases back. "Well, we get away with it through membership in a secret shadow government. What's your excuse, cutie?"




Sable giggles delightedly and then kisses Alethia's forehead. Her lips are cold, and don't really have as much give as they should. (They'd probably have more give if Alethia was a vampire, though.)

"The most adorable criminal I have ever known."


"It's good to be called cute."

She sighs happily and snuggles into Sable's side.


"Anyone who doesn't realize you're cute is blind."

She pets Alethia gently, stroking down her back.

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