Milliways may have recently been busy, judging from the confetti all over the place, the usual array of mug stains and dirty napkins and crumbs, and nacho cheese that ended up on the wall for some reason, but it's pretty slow right now.
"Well... when I get cut, new skin eventually grows over the cut. I slowly shed retired skin so I bathe every day even if I don’t touch anything dirty. Sometimes people on my planet have parts start growing too much and get cancer."
“I’m not properly here in the flesh, though, so I don’t think you could check.”
"That’s really cool, honestly. It would be really useful to be able to send a fake body to do things and then get rid of it."
"That’s very expensive. I don’t think I can hold a sponge here because I’m special, I think it’s because Milliways is."
"Maybe I should hold my door open and invite people to move in. It's just... I'd get government attention and I don't really want it."
"I don't think this happens if you move to Milliways, it's more that being here as a dreamer is weird. And I suspect your government probably imprisons people already."