An invitation to a party appears on various university billboards inviting people to the Kappa Alpha greek house located in the mostly finished Castle Commonwealth mall on the edge of town. The notice instructs people to follow the access road at 67 Lost Nation drive and enter through the back door and promises that signs will be posted to guide people to the party itself.
"Interesting, I wonder why this is what's stocked," Alex wonders aloud, looking thoughtful. "Should we make a list now or just make selections based on what's in the stores?"
"There're several grocery stores on the route, and more restaurants than that. I picked Asian Grocer because its my favorite but I don't know what any of them have in stock for sure," says Emily.
"Yeah, I think we can get by without a detailed list since we know generally what we need and don't know exactly what's available."
"Alright, the first stop on my list is the bike store." Emily holds open the door out of the kitchen.
The group troupes down the ramp and arrives in the lobby.
"Do you know what the button does?" Emily asks pointing to a small button in one of the corners of the arch between the lobby and the mall.
"No, I didn't notice it the last time we were down here."
"Probably not a good idea to push the button if you don't know what it does. Maybe we can find out what it does on the computers later."
"Alright," agrees Emily. "The bike store is this way."
"How far?" asks Alex.
"About three hundred meters."
"Yeah, whoever built this place seems to be trying to be nice," notes Riley.
"They abducted us," yells Claire. "How is that being nice?"
"I see it more as lying by omission than abducting us," responds Riley.
"Yeah, I guess. If I got into a cab and they drove somewhere I didn't want to go... yeah, you're right."
And shortly thereafter they have arrived. The bike store has a variety of bikes, including both mountain bikes, street bikes, and hybrids. It also carries both women's and traditional bikes. Along, with the bikes there's a variety of bike-related accessories including bike trailers for cargo and for small children. There's a spiraling ramp leading up to a second floor, much like the one in the lobby. Nestled off in a back corner there's a rack with what look to be brochures.
"Oh good they have cargo trailers, we could use one of those. They also clearly expect us to be here long enough to have small children. Which um, I am not opposed to children on principle but ---"
"Not all that keen on the idea of having kids while stuck on an alien planet for unknown purposes? Yeah me neither."
"There was also the postnatal area in the clinic, and some of the games in the cupboards were pretty juvenile," Riley notes. "To be clear, I don't want to have kids."
Alex grimaces. "I'm not really pleased with the implications either."
Claire looks at her feet and frowns.
"I can't even afford one of those things. And my parents are too Catholic to pay for it. But not Catholic enough to care if I buy contraceptives with my own money."
"It was in the encyclopedia, I checked while I was reading. I'm pretty sure I can install them for anyone who wants one."
Emily tilts her head to one side then the other. "I think that might be nice, just in case."
"No thanks," Claire says her voice carefully neutral.
"Sure. Especially if we can't get a hold of the pills. I have a small stash of the emergency ones I brought with me just in case but of course I didn't bring the regular ones."
"Presumably the pharmacy will have like condoms and stuff, we can grab some of those. So IUDs are not necessarily urgent on the scale of days but I might take you up on that later."
"Works for me. I don't see tools around to attach the trailers to the bikes. Maybe we should check upstairs," Riley comments.
The brochure is apparently a map of bike trails. One that suffers from a lack of labelled landmarks. The map shows the area of a not quite diamond with a much smaller hexagon near the middle of the top left edge. Given the number of paths being marked the area must be enormous.
Everyone crowds around to look over her shoulder.
"Well, that puts 450 km of mall into perspective. I wonder what the scale is on that map," says Alex.
"Can't really tell without landmarks or something. So it's interesting but kind of unhelpful."