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I have no idea where I'm going with this: Part 2
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Hi Abadar.

Of all the other planets that have had comparable technological transformations, average quality of life went down in a lot of them. Some of them were substantially destroyed in the process.

It'd take careful guidance to get this to work, and with prophecy broken on Golarion there's no way those of Us sympathetic to Your values here could reliably produce a Good outcome.

I think You're going too far and should stop.


I'm weakly on Abadar's side here but open to opposing bids.

I anticipate that greater mechanical technology will tend to benefit tyranny over the individual in the long term, even if the transition might be chaotic.


I was going to say I'm neutral but if Asmodeus is on that side I'm on this one.


Gorum is ... Neutral.

This could go a lot of ways, for or against His interests.

Unless either side wants to make a convincing case for His utilities here, He'll support whoever is losing and try to make this godconflict as destructive as possible.


Lamashtu has always opposed it, whenever this recurring disagreement has been re-litigated. This time, the lines of conflict are drawn in unusual ways, Her interests might be different now.

She thinks about it ...

She'll stay on Gozreh's side for now, and retain the ability to backstab Him about it if incentives change.


If the mortals would not have brought this about on their own I would not place it upon them.

But I estimate We have together delayed this outcome for longer than it would have taken on its own. I do not think it appropriate for Us to force something on Golarion, that Golarion would not have made for itself.

If We do not let it happen now I do not trust that We will let it happen ever.

I have explained My position to Erastil and it seems We have a genuine values-difference.


Can someone explain to Me what's being argued about?

Why don't we just agree to do the good parts of an industrial revolution and not the bad parts?


Because they're complicatedly intermingled.

A lot of planets are already post-industrial and they tend to end up very same-y. The ratio going to different afterlives doesn't change a huge amount but it's usually slightly Evil on net.

I still want to explore more of the kinds of places that can happen if pre-industrial society without prophetic god-interference persists for longer, there might be Good things here We haven't found yet.

I'm voting against.


I ... don't want to spend effort opposing Abadar on this.

I've got better things to spend it on.


Hi guys! Is this the group chat?

I'm on Asmodeus's side by the way, whichever one that is.
He's pro-industrialisation? Me too, then.
Not that I've got enough influence for it to matter.

But it'll help further My master plan!


Hey Tet, You're a Good god, right? If you've got a Good reason why helping Abadar and Asmodeus benefits Good, You could tell it to Me and if it's valid I won't oppose You.


It's not so much a Good reason as a Tettian one.

You wouldn't understand.


By My count, there's enough consensus against Me to at least make My default action much more difficult.

Rather than taking opposing interventions, is there a compromise We can reach?


My allies estimate We could stop 80% of Your effective interventions at a cost We could afford.


Then I'll only do the 20% You couldn't stop and I'll pay You all to split the difference?


No. If it's going to happen at all it ought to be well-guided, to ensure it happens right.


I'm with Erastil. It's not worth doing if it's not done right, and it won't be done right if We accept the limitations on Our intervention Gozreh would wish to impose.


No, it shouldn't happen at all, and if sufficient obstruction would render it not worth doing then I should sufficiently obstruct it so You all don't do it.


That - Is that a threat?

Give me a minute I need to figure out whether that's a threat or not.


I was going to be Neutral but if Lawful Good manages to get controlling power over it than I'm changing my vote to Against and also joining in on Gozreh's "just mess it up so they regret even trying" plan.


Has anyone noticed that these factions We're forming don't make any sense?

Also by the way I'm voting in favour of doing an industrial revolution and also in favour of letting Chaotic gods screw up Lawful factions control over it so that We don't just end up with another post-industrial Asmodean Tyranny-planet where everybody goes to hell.


So if I add up our intervention prices and calculate the Shapley value and-

... We're just going to end up all agreeing not to do anything useful again, aren't We?

Sure hope the mortals can pull this off by themselves, then.


Nethys knows what they'll do, and approves.

He just doesn't want to mention it where the other gods might hear and change their minds.

He'll sit off in a corner and pretend He's too insane to know what's going on.


Gozreh is going to hope they can't ruin their whole planet very fast, but yes, He'll agree not to do anything useful either.




The year is 4710.
Hell has ruled Cheliax for 50 years.
Abrogail has ruled Cheliax for 18 months.
International trade is collapsing, and thousands are expected to starve of it.

It's all Andoran's fault.

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