In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
" - I think I might go fly around a bit. Let me know when you have it figured out? Or if you need actually knowing the language for anything..."
Cam turns his computer. "Did you get literacy, is it supposed to be little clusters of words in lots of whitespace?"
"So maybe we can contain it, just - sneak in and replace eggs with inert ones whenever anyone tries it until they conclude it doesn't go. Doesn't solve the interdimensional teleporting people, but - if they're friendly that could be an asset, a non-Milliways way to reach new worlds..."
"- ask them to keep it to angels and fairies, explain why? Though there's still the fact we cannot contain a daeva one of them, if they keep the powers -"
"Yeah. Maybe she's the only one with the powers? Doesn't say anything about them in the writing."
"It's lower for underage perpetrators but it'd take some work to make that apply to daeva even now."
"If he wants to stay here and evade it I'd let him. But - I don't think it'd be right - I don't know what'd be right - it turns on a lot of questions that cannot even be safely raised in court -"
"I suppose he could kill a volunteer Elf for immediate reembodiment and let them hash out the jurisdiction contention."