In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
"Gonna be a lot of places in the multiverse like that and maybe some of them will be worth carefully dismantling."
"Well, don't you get mixed up in any cults if you can avoid it, you're far too young and impressionable and your little girlfriend would miss you."
"I think I am medium-sized," says Miranda.
"And if people do things that look like trying to coerce me I promptly make that into the worst decision they could possibly have made, it's like a reflex."
"I'm not actually sure I know how to explain. But some guy locked me in his closet for - I don't know how long he was planning, years I think, the police made him stop - because he thought I was trying to do social engineering to get demons a better reputation and as soon as I got released I made eight more videos, tripled my viewership, organized a strike on gags, ran the strike on gags, and appeared on a bunch of talk shows. The GCP told me to stop telling people they become daeva when they die and I switched to streaming round-the-clock doing nonstop live interviews with people who became daeva when they died. If a cult leader tried to tell me not to say something I would stud the surrounding countryside for a mile around with speakers chanting the thing. It runs in the family."
"My goodness," says Dolores.
"Do you ever worry that this trait might be subject to reverse psychology," says Miranda.
"We weren't exactly on the scene identifying reverse psychology tactics for you any of those times."
"Reverse psychology requires understanding psychology and the people making decisions at the GCP are dumber than the rock they built their jail on. I spied on the Moons to figure out what they wanted but I guess if they'd thought to falsify that they could've tricked me until the point where Timothy got involved."