In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
He doesn't have the flashcards on him.
He takes a deep breath. He nods. He sits down quietly. Maybe the guy just wants to lecture him.
Minor curls his wings around himself and thinks.
He thinks for a while. He imagines explaining to Miranda.
He wants to think longer, think more, but he's not having new thoughts.
And then he makes himself invisible, shrinks the circle, tears off a sleeve of his shirt and Transfigures it into a bird with broken wings.
He sets the bird just outside the decoy circle. It shrieks in agony.
Minor is crying.
The guy stomps back out. Looks like Minor's in a backyard, the bird could be heard from the house.
Minor goes visible. Pulls him into the circle. Stares down at him and waits - come on come on come on -
Binding won't even let him do it cleanly. He can stun him first, though.
Minor goes to Hell.
need another one, he writes Cam.
He has mail accumulated.
Where are you?
What happened???
Vienna????? Sit tight Findekáno's en route
Here's another
Minor collapses on the floor. "There's a world where people hatch from eggs and they're summoning daeva for the immortality - started today - they'd done a couple dozen when I got one - the eggs are right there being really obvious stunningly pretty large eggs people'll make 'em just out of curiosity -"
"No and there would've been more last couple hours -" he makes models of all the daeva who've been summoned to that world again -
"I killed my summoner I didn't know if you'd noticed it was urgent or if Cam was around to get a door to Revelation or what the wait time for a fairy was with a new world summoning -"