In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
Nod. He takes notes for his list. "Would you be interested in forensics work in a different setting, then?"
"I went to one of those dots. I could tell they were trying to be nice but it felt very institutional."
"I would pass that on to the Elves but I don't know that they'd know how to solve it, they might just take it as 'make them prettier'..."
"I sort of figured that wasn't the problem, yeah. I wonder if it's just - institutions. I'm from 1802 and there's been so much social progress since then but, like, Ganymede was as blandly dehumanizing as anything we came up with -"
"They used to pay me a salary and I'd tip people on the internet with it. Or buskers. I think I might like to travel, it's not the sort of thing you can really plan to do except in the most technical sense via summon."
"That's very reasonable. We really just want to avoid someone adding it to a list of known worlds, something like that."