In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
"First one wants to meet Andrew Lloyd Weber once there's a portal to Limbo and the second one wants to plan my wedding. - I did say I had no plans to get married -"
"Well, if you do and also want to marry me you can hash them out with this very opinionated lady with very very long antelope horns. She gave me her portfolio. I think we'd be getting a little ahead of ourselves, though, we haven't actually talked about relationship parameters beyond 'no threesomes with that one god in particular' and 'recreational kinky mind-control is out but if it's for demon-payment convenience then that's all right' -"
"I'm not in anything resembling a hurry, just, it is demonstrably a thing that mes do sometimes."
"I will endeavor not to make marriage-related promises that'd be significantly limiting, even for the greater good."
"I'll do that one next, then. Other ones I can always just say 'someone gave me your name'."
"Yeah, that could work. I can dig up stuff they've done on past summonses in more detail to have an idea of what you might have gotten their name for."
"That'd be great, thanks." And he completes a circle for the one on the Dwarf list.
"Hi! We're putting together a more comprehensive list of everybody interested in taking specific summons, what with all the recent changes - I got your name off the Dwarf survey -"
"I am not I just bought their notes. Do you mind being listed for people who are not Dwarves?"
"I like plants. I can do forests, that used to be my favorite, but I'm into weird vegetables lately, I've been fucking around with weird potatoes."
"I told the Dwarves I'd take money but I don't really care, I don't know why people get so focused on that. It's not like I need anything."
"I just like going places and seeing things. I didn't use to take many but it's supposed to be safer now."
"Yeah, we're working on that. Having a way to move on it right away if someone's gone longer than they wanted, stuff like that. - my little brother's a demon and he got stuck a couple places and it was really upsetting..."