In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
"Uh, so, they take kids and dip 'em in the magic fountains and the kids get powers - there's an associated religion but as far as I can tell it's as unsubstantiated as the Earth ones? And the powers vary but they come with serious drawbacks, usually like mindfuckery of some kind. And these places spring up around a godspring and sell mage services and take care of the mages who are fucked up from having done too much magic."
"And there are more springs? I didn't realize there were a bunch of them, maybe I should check some more for my friend before I just park at one."
"Uh, I think they've got white, green, silver, and bronze, here? Whites do healing, greens do - conditioning? Like, giving you instincts or changing how averse you feel to something, stuff like that. Dunno what the green drawback is, the white drawback is that their immune system's really weak and they're sick their whole lives and then die young. No idea how the other two work."
Nod. "If my friend doesn't find me here I'll want to check other landmarks, what else is there around here?"
She "waits" for another hour, writing things down and looking plausibly impatient, and then takes off again. Lands by a random person not in one of the mage uniforms, asks if they've seen her friend, he's yea high doesn't look at all local he's an angel too, he said he was going to find somewhere to learn things about mages but the Temple-Guild doesn't have him?
Right of course thanks it's just she was so tired of all the singing but her friend is probably at a dot off she goes.