In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
"It's not the time of year when people would be dying in the greatest numbers, but yeah, that's good."
"Not strictly, people can die of old age in any season, but it's commonest the winter before we turn ten."
"Person is now a fairy and safe at home with his wife and not planning to press charges."
"Uh, I did not actually ask the questions relevant to establishing whether he was - responsible enough about the decision - because it didn't seem like an important answer to have right that second but it'll be important at some point."
" - not as bad as the summons where the building'd blown up, actually. But then at least there was, like, 'go to med school' as an obvious way of avoiding that situation in future..."
"This time you're already working on changing the conditions that made it less than astonishing, outlier behavior on the summoner's part."