In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
"If you'd happened to get a different demon there could be a million eggs in Hell right now." This is not strictly true because they'd have a goldmage jump once they noticed, but -
"Maybe you should make that more prominent in your documentation in case people with six years to live come by looking for solutions."
"Unfortunately calling attention to it might inspire people who otherwise wouldn't think about it."
" - in my world Muggles live like eighty, ninety of your years, and wizards more than that. In Revelation where there's better health care everyone can live to a hundred twenty or so of your years."
"I picked up magic in the other world, but I didn't get the one that does life extension."
"Purple. The tradeoff's not very good and we can't do anything about the drawback."
"- that one's down in our charts as 'temporary incredible senses, use costs buildup of mental background noise' -"