In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
" - uh, build lots and lots of stacked tiny cages to raise them in and breed them to grow very fast in those cages and cut off their appendages so they can't self-injure in the cages and douse them periodically with noxious chemicals that give them chemical burns because it's cheaper than cleaning the cages? That's a thing lots of places end up doing."
"Then this is yet another area where you and the Valar will not find yourselves at odds."
"We have some demons working for us who already know about your world and can conjure regularly for mail addressed to them, which is what the characters at the top of the page are doing. - it looks like conjuring writing from your world doesn't get anything you've burned, so if you burn the contents of mail you send us this won't work."
And he heads back over to the portal and through it into Milliways. "Egg rogue - her name is Tireh - seems an eminently reasonable person and agreed to stop it with the daeva if we give her a better mortality solution. A Vala can handle it, there's only thousands of them."
She follows him and peers under his arm. "You've been calling me 'egg rogue'? And there might be more than that, I haven't counted, nobody has."
"We've been calling you egg rogue and your world egg world but you are entitled to suggest other names, and encouraged to suggest ones that don't call attention to the thing that makes your world dangerous. Tireh, this is Timothy, Minor, Cam. You should also meet Ambela, she also invented writing in her world."
"Lovely. This is Milliways. We don't usually portal directly here - there's a planet set up for portals, and we'll put one there for you - but talking to you before you summoned anyone sufficiently curious seemed urgent."
"This is a place where a dangerous person could do a lot of damage. The portal planet is designed to be much less of one."
"I agree. We have arrangements now to check for and detain interdimensional tourists."