In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
Fairy can go home. And once a Vala can get them a portal - "who do we want to wave the note at egg rogue?"
"We're assuming she'll take over translating, right, so it doesn't, like, need to be a teamup of a-Fëanáro-and-a-Macalaurë to figure out the language, so, a you for diplomacy, is there a reason not you specifically that we should get somebody else? Bright because Godspring or anything?"
"If they react violently it might be convenient for it to be someone more resurrectable than I?"
"...yeah I don't want to have to dip into limited Vala time to fish around Milliways for his soul. Where's Evening?"
"Also in Godspring, I think. I can go, they haven't shown any signs of murderous intent yet..."
"She's still in midair, we can probably afford a few minutes to grab a chipped you and then I do not have to attempt to teach you cellular biology while you are too hugged to have the use of all your limbs."
So they get Ava to open the door to Godspring and the dragons fairy nips out to grab Evening. "Hey, Timothy needs you for something?"
Well, now there's an Elf walking around on the beach she seems headed to, holding a sign that says 'what you are doing is very dangerous, can we talk?"
"The only people in Hell are demons. Demons are all indestructible. Demons - vary - and if there were vulnerable people in Hell some would aid them and some would kill them for fun and some would keep them as prisoners or torture them. The reason there are no other people in Hell is because demons can't make anything with a sufficiently developed mind. They can make species that hatch from eggs by making the eggs very early in development."
"That will reduce the danger. Not eliminate it, because some fairy could write a demon and mention you, but reduce it. There is another source of danger. You can travel between dimensions; can all your people do that?"