In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
"I don't object to it as an activity but I don't have room for anything like a full time job."
"You mentioned. No worries. - I guess if some more of them summoned you in particular so you could get some more musical languages that'd be all right -"
"Would it? I don't really see why you don't want them summoning in the first place. I'm looking forward to composing with the one I have, more of them would be a good opportunity for multilinguistic puns. Probably. I'm still feeling out how to do puns in this one."
"Oh, they don't want to be common knowledge in Hell because they hatch from eggs."
"And most people who wanted to hatch a kid would probably be responsible and take them somewhere with the right gravity far away from radiation and warn their neighbors to be unusually careful, but - most places if you aren't being treated well, or if you just want to live on your own, you can leave.
And a fragile person in Hell sufficiently far away from everyone else in Hell that they wouldn't immediately get killed by accident - well, they'd better hope they like their parents, because they can't leave, not really."
"I've never had parents myself, of course, but I understand children are usually fond of them."
"Where I'm from parents routinely beat their children and children are still usually fond of them, yeah. Being raised by someone from infancy often does that. But not always. Not even because the parents are bad people. Some people you just don't get along with, you know? And those people can be your parents. And it really, really sucks if you're completely dependent on them forever because they're magic and you're not..."
He makes a face. "You're going to tell me I shouldn't drop an album in a mystery language, aren't you."
"I think you probably shouldn't do that. Even though it'd be awesome. If you would like I can find you another mystery language whose speakers are born the normal way."
"I don't know any but I can ask Bar, I am sure there exists one out there somewhere -"
" - I have access to mysterious resources which probably include singing languages, though possibly not summoners who can hand you the singing languages. If they're conventionally learnable I will just make Macalaurë learn them and then summon you."
"Thank you! I can probably arrange that summons in a couple weeks, can I get you anything for your time today?"
"Hi! I'm updating old lists, trying to put something together that's comprehensive now that there're a lot more worlds out there and a lot more things people might want. Want to be on one?"