In Godspring, there appears a winged girl.
"It's lower for underage perpetrators but it'd take some work to make that apply to daeva even now."
"If he wants to stay here and evade it I'd let him. But - I don't think it'd be right - I don't know what'd be right - it turns on a lot of questions that cannot even be safely raised in court -"
"I suppose he could kill a volunteer Elf for immediate reembodiment and let them hash out the jurisdiction contention."
"It'd get him out of a Ganymede trial without having to do the 'terrible secrets, can't have him tried here' thing but no it doesn't really help."
"I honestly do not think he would be okay, or possible to get back to an okay state, after thirty years gagged."
"It's not the lack of conversation it's the inability to create or record or - think, I think my father and Minor think on paper -"
"Honestly if we decide he should take the prison summons I think the best option is just to keep him unconscious."
Elsewhere someone else is less deterred from yelling at Minor's summoner by the fact it is a bad idea. He finishes the circle.