Maitimo wakes up.
The room is littered with forensic conjurations of people and notes and wands and books and planets. In the room is Ms. Chua, and a black-winged demon. Looks too straightforwardly Asian to be naturally occurring.
Kib gets really good computer syncing set up and allows Aydanci out of his sight for thirty seconds. He does not repeat the experiment for two and a half weeks, during which Aydanci is relentlessly quizzed about whether it is possible that anything awful might have happened in those thirty seconds. Aydanci does not report anything concerning about the temporal order of his memories, or anything.
...Kib tentatively lets Aydanci out of his sight for half an hour.
Well, that's progress.
Nothing bad has happened. Nothing interesting has happened either. It is very weird. He says as much to Kib.
"For me it could still be a holding pattern till my dreams are all in, I dunno what to tell you."
"I'm starting to think you were just plain wrong about computational expense being a thing, too."
"Either that or this is real and we're just reaaaaaal paranoid. I might actually buy it if I were you, what with the whole opened with a plausible rescue thing."
"And Ruviri, it would have been exceptionally easy to not do Ruviri, I wouldn't even have thought to find that implausible. I've - thought about it. Doesn't make sense there are just two worlds..."
"And door thievery isn't inherently less plausible than a giant snake but come on, this whole -" Gesture. Anxious check of his Aydanci monitor.
"Yeah, exactly. It's just ridiculous and full of plot.
Which, I mean, we would be, wouldn't we, if the war had never happened and we'd found a place like this -"
"I - there is a way it is obvious to be alts, for mes, and they were already doing it before they got me to entertain the concept."
"Well, I didn't, when everything got absurdly implausible again I got to take comfort in the fact that meant you were probably safe at home."
"Being safe at home while you were in Angband was in fact pleasanter on a daily basis than being, myself, in Angband, but I don't think I'd elevate it all the way to 'comforting'."
"I'm sorry. We could've - been more paranoid, had more backups, made sure everyone had a way to suicide on hand, settled farther away, stayed in Valinor and intervened remotely..."