The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"So, Martian law is built much more from the ground up than Earth law and every law on the books has an on-record justification or several of them, and in Martian law the primary reason self-defensive violence against kidnappers is permitted is the threat of physical harm - they might be taking you outside an arcology to have fewer witnesses, say - so I'd have to lean on secondaries, mostly the daughter..."
" - would it also help if the dead summoner was in fact alive and well, and it was known to the demon that would happen?"
" - some humans become daeva when they die. Elves don't, so we only learned that this was the case recently when some daeva told us and then we did conjuration to confirm it. It's a minority but a substantial minority - fifteen percent? and daeva can tell which ones. That summoner is now a fairy. Celendra knew this before she did it."
"Hrm. I assume his family didn't know, and he couldn't straightforwardly return home, which means all the secondary reasons murder is illegal remain in place."
"Yes, I can see the argument. This could become very drawn out and I'll probably have to open by suing the GCP so I'll need to contact a colleague; possibly several. What's your legal budget?"
" - uh, I would have to ask somebody about that. I expect we can spend as much as is needed. Especially if we could also get anywhere on establishing that the GCP's current trial procedures aren't good enough and daeva on trial should have the rights humans on trial would, I'm pretty sure they'd be willing to spend anything to achieve that."
"That is... harder. There being some practical difficulties with bail and so on. I am confident there are improvements to be made but the bindings have to serve as arrest and prison guard both. I can call in an expert if that's a priority."
"We can make arrests without the daeva taking a summons willingly but an effort to convince the GCP to do that stalled because we were just sending them home under a binding so they could never leave their respective realms again, instead of keeping them prisoner on a planet here."
"All right, does he know to expect to be contacted about this? Does he have a private address or should I go through the office of embassies?"
"Now, I am a defense lawyer, so Celendra will need to accept me as representation; are you confident that she will do that?"
"Well, she can't talk, so you'll have to take our word for it that we're communicating her wishes accurately, but yes, I'm confident she will."
"I don't know if the gag would let her confirm a transcript of what she said to me. I think they usually let the demons make pieces of paper with writing at trial."
"Then I can get her confirmation she wants you as representation, and Prince Nelyafinwë's that the money isn't a constraint."
And Maitimo grimaces but confirms that there's enough trade to make the financials work and she goes to report to Celendra - I think there's a good chance she can get you cleared and you can go home, do you want her to represent you?
This lawyer is supposed to be really good and seems excited about taking the case. Want me to interpret so you can draft a letter confirming you want her to take the case?