The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"- anyway I'm not sure if he'd rather have the necklace or just be more confused, but I don't think he'd have minded being mind-read."
"Iamica, my cousin Findekáno. He can project everything to you as he goes, you or Wiar can tell him to stop..."
"I - I never know quite how careful I ought to be to avoid leaving him alone and as the children get older and can't just rotate in all the time it might matter more."
"- why don't you be with him, then, and if it's going well he can send you what it's like when you leave -"
There is a person. He should really remember her name but he doesn't but she understands and it's okay, it would make her happy if he remembered it but it's not because she's upset with him. She's good and loyal and funny and mischievous and generous and hardworking and he loves her loves her loves her loves her. She thinks he's beautiful and he is supposed to fuck people who is supposed to wait until she wants him and she doesn't now and that's okay and she's soft and cuddly and caring and tired and he loves her loves her loves her. What's her name? Why is she so wonderful? He loves her. Everyone else is missing and he has no idea where they are or if they were real to begin with and there is a deep dead grief where they ought to be where are they he misses them but she's not worried and she is looking after him and she is good at that so they must be all right and he loves her loves her loves her.
He's very repetitive. Has to run through the thoughts over and over again. His working memory is tiny and his short-term nonexistent and his long-term barely there.
Sending to Iamica. Not flinching, but only because he's had an awful lot of practice. It seems like maybe leaving him alone would be - hard for him -
- okay. I can be more careful about having the children in for him and maybe ask his brother to move in -
She puts the necklace over his head.
His long term memory twists into better if still terrible focus and the clearest sharpest memories are his people and they are not here and he has no idea where they are and he can't tell by looking at Iamica either where are they are they okay do they know he loves them do they know do they know what if they aren't okay and don't even know
She takes it off. He lets her, she means well and he doesn't remember that the necklace had anything to do with the shift in his thoughts - "Iam-"
He forgets what he was going to say. He pets her.
Uh, it looks like the necklace helps long-term but not short-term, so just makes the missing people more acute - we could maybe track them down by conjuring, would that be - it might not even help since he doesn't remember anyone who isn't in the room -
Yeah. We can look into something that does better short-term memory instead, maybe - so he's not just repeating the same thoughts over and over -
That would be nice. Probably. She calls one of the kids in to take her place. Wiar's thoughts change when he gets a look at Tsira and again when she touches him and again when Iamica lets go and again when she leaves, different little loops of attention.
Some of the demons on Ganymede just want their favorite sites bookmarked so they can navigate to them despite being unable to write. Some of them want to complain. A confusing number of them want to solicit sex despite the fact that they are obviously married with a small child; she assumes daeva can't see the marriage but she knows they can see the small child. They relay conversations and summon demons to make the prisoners things and summon friends and facilitate reunions. It is not happy work but Mingling seems to have found in this place the peace his parents find in a workshop.
Mingling is cuddling with a demon who wanted to cuddle him and explaining badly about how there are the two kinds of Elves.