The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
They finish ending slavery in Godspring, except in one country whose paranoid King is convinced there'll be a slave revolt like the one in his northern province thirty years ago, and cannot be bribed, he has daeva now thank you very much.
"Could airlift the slaves out," he says, when he gets home from a week of negotiating with a brick wall. "Or could depose him, it's not as if he is otherwise competent."
" - yeah. You know what, yeah, I think I will give him the means to pay as many daeva as he likes and ask him to please not kill anyone even though they deserve it, it will be valuable information about the merits of that approach and everyone he might murder has summoned. Sunset, can I -"
"It's fine, Alatess makes sure we all have plenty."
Dinner is soup and bread and corn cakes and little lamb medallions.
Birand and Thrazen both accepted compensation for their slaves and have none anymore, though they're dragging their feet on formal abolition. He reports this.
Clerus expresses the opinion that they're probably hiding some, maybe ones the government didn't know about or was incentivized to cover up.
Nod. "Want to go get them? I - didn't anticipate that in particular but that's broadly what I came here to ask you."
"Yeah. Sorry. I could explain why I think it was better to wait until there was political stability and summoning coverage but - I wasn't bearing any of the costs. The point is, now we have the political stability and the summoning coverage and if there are any resources I can get you they're yours."
"Lerex isn't letting us buy their slaves out, we tried, we're ready to just do whatever gets them out fastest at this point. I thought you might have advice. Or just want to do it yourself."
He arranges a babysitter for Alatess and for a local to summon them a fairy for transit and translation.
His fairy has to take her wings off for stealth but they disappear into the underground of the target country for two and a half weeks and then he turns up with conversational Lerexen, the king's head on a stick, a bastard prince to replace him, and half a million slaves who don't want to wait around to see how the bastard prince is at running things and want to leave right now please. Total non-king death toll is seventeen, all summoners who got between their slaves and not being slaves anymore in a way that unavoidably provoked violence when Alatess wasn't there to drug them (and one adverse drug reaction).
" - congratulations. Have you arranged to make sure people can't summon the King back, do they want to live in Arda with you or are you making arrangements elsewhere -"