The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
The demon goes to Hell.
The other circles open for him include one with a gag; is it otherwise terrible or does it just have a gag.
Tedious blog posts about every fucking thing from the shape of teabags to her neighbor's annoying mullberry tree to her grandchildren's ungrateful behavior to, yep, irresponsible summoning behavior. Several crochet patterns.
Charming. Well, he can't take circles for him until she gives up.
He could take random ones, with little audio player behind his ear to hopefully screen the gagged ones. He makes a note he's doing that.
It takes a while to catch one; they feel completely different and go fast.
...the audio recorder does not screen for gagged ones.
"'re a kid," says the summoner.
He is an annoyed kid trying to feel pleased about falsifying a theory. "Gags are really annoying," says the audio player, "and it's safer to summon demons without them. Gags are really annoying and it's safer to summon demons without them."
"Oh, god, I don't have time for this, do you want to fix amputees before they bleed out for whatever you can extract from me or not."
She marches him over to a field hospital which is much more field than hospital for values of field that are exploded rubble and produces a hacksaw and starts forcing painkillers down people's throats and sawing through pinned limbs.
He can give them new ones.
He can't offer to get them a list of medical angels, or draw out most of the circles and pay for them, he can't say that he hasn't completed medical school but knows enough to drug them safely himself.
But he can give them new ones. He does that.
Eventually everybody is free and has all their limbs. The summoner stalks away from them, teeth gritted, and when she is behind half an exploded wall she looks at him flatly.
He can't say. Because he's gagged. He can continue to not look inclined to hurt her and maybe she'll propose a new deal?
"Maybe you don't want anything? Does that mean I can dismiss you now? I don't know how this works -"
He wants to fucking talk but even if 'whatever I can extract from you' includes 'snap the binding' there's no way to get that without scaring her.
He sighs. He points at a rock on the ground.