The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
Of course there are. Well, Richard Moon appears not to have drawn any new ones -
- he double-checks that -
He works at Jurassic Park, they'd probably pay for him to do a talk show circuit for the publicity. Anyway they can email him. Minor gives an email.
They should consider covering his recently wildly controversial claim that demons can't even take souls at all. But nah, he's good, can he get them anything?
They can't really add anything to substantiate the claim. He can refloor this room and fix that broken window and get everybody sushi?
He does that! They could, like, find someone who has sold their soul twenty times, Minor's sure there's someone who has sold their soul twenty times since demons couldn't actually tell the difference.
Next is a college kid who wants him for the licensing practical - "I was totally going to fail the written anyway, so I might as well do a protest thing, bring an ungagged demon to the exam."
"Uh, actually I need to resummon you day of, I didn't know how long it'd take you to show up for this one. But yeah sure -" Things.