The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"I'm just astonished that in over a century it hasn't occurred to them that there are lots of incidents where daeva could kill people and don't and maybe those daeva just - aren't assholes."
"They know we're not all dangerous all the time, it just sort of doesn't occur to them that this is because we have personalities as opposed to the stars aligning or something."
"He was going to ask Amriac if she was willing to guest star, she likes the dragons."
"Yeah, she definitely looks like a naturally occurring daeva in a way it's annoying albeit not impossible to make up an actor for."
He wakes up and makes himself a big breakfast and eats it all and then makes a camera.
"I'm back," he says. "I spent the last week locked in someone's storeroom. The circle wasn't big enough to lie down. It was awful. I don't know why he did it. I'm sort of debating whether to go ask him. But after a week my brothers went to the police and the police came. And my summoner tried to tell them that that rule wasn't about demons anyway, and I was gagged so I couldn't tell the police I wanted to go home, I tried sending it through my chiplocked computer but I think that only works with other people who have one and the gag might've blocked it anyway and I started crying and then the police officer told him to send me home. So he did. And now I'm back.
If my family hadn't known, I'd still be there. I might be there for years. I might be there his whole life."
Many commenters are extremely sympathetic. Some of them ask why the guy did it even though he already said he didn't know. A couple people have chiplocked computers and want to know what the heck he's talking about.
"Different chip, like the Elves have. I might go ask the guy why he did it. I don't want to right now because I'm scared but it might be important."
"They shouldn't have left you there for a week! Why did they just leave you there for a week?"
"It's not illegal until it's been a week! What could they do, go knock on his door and yell at him and then if he wanted he had warning and could hide it -"
"I don't know, knock on his door and say you're inspecting for fire hazards and find you and go 'oh wow it's that demon from the videos what's he doing here' -?"
"I think it's also illegal to pretend to be fire hazard inspectors." Shiver. "It's okay I can move and talk again now - moving and talking are really underrated -"
"I - don't think I'm quite as okay as I was before it happened? But I think what I'm doing is important, I want to keep doing it. I was thinking of trying to organize a strike on gags, in Hell, actually..."