The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"I know you will! And then people'll stop saying on the internet that they're just special effects."
"Some people. It's kind of important to me that people believe me about being a demon because I want people to be more informed about demons and that won't work if they think it's all just staged."
"Well, if anybody asks me, I'll tell 'em." She picks up a woodchip and offers it to him.
He could start trying for random circles but he will go home and pay a fairy for Theodore first, and then make a video announcing Kate and Archibald's relocation, and then make a camera to film Minor goes to Hell and get himself dismissed again.
On the third day of their lightleaper trip to go bring orcs compensatory dinner, Cam's binding is snapped.
"Oh thank goodness I was starting to feel really ridiculous about not having packed a change of pants."
"Took them a while." Hug. "Oh no, you're constrained only by your good judgment and steadfast ethical principles instead of pages of magic legalese, I'm terrified."
He really can't think of any reasons at all why Cam should replace his pants.
Timothy is delighted to enable his boyfriend's emotional recovery from his trial for genocide. Also just delighted by Cam generally.
They reach the orc planet and discover uses for pants.
He is not starting a family; daeva can't have kids even when their partners are of the opposite sex. Food!