The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
I noticed. I can make people calmer but he doesn't seem in a position to give informed consent to that. What's the story?
"He's got some kinda anxiety thing. Got summoned in front of a crowd, panicked, pulled the fire alarm, remembered you're not supposed to do that unless things are on fire."
Ah. And so lit things on fire. So he might like the solution where he takes a long-term summons and goes home and no one can summon him any more.
"You should've taken that into account before you kidnapped a bunch of strangers and expected us to act like you were friendly!"
"You wouldn't - show up and present options like it'd make perfect sense for us to go 'oh, okay, what's behind door number two'!"
Okay. I'm sorry. What would I do instead, apologize more? Have more other people around to speak with?
I do not have all of the skills that are needed to responsibly wield as much power as I am capable of wielding. I am working on it, but people harmed in the meantime are entitled to feel angry about it. I think some daeva are in the same position, actually.
"The difference is me and him got summoned and it was terrible and we decided not to do it again, and you kidnapped some people and it was terrible and you're not doing a thing about that."
"I just fucking bet. And in the meantime we rot here till we take a summon you, master of communication skills and knowing what is okay to do with people, says is good for us!"
I didn't say it's good for you, I told you exactly what it does. You can look at the circle in advance if you would like.
"...If you wanna let me watch somebody draw me a circle that'd do it, I could match up when I feel it and when it's drawn and know it was the one."
Perfect. I'll send you home and you can watch someone draw up the circle. Let me find someone willing to do it.
Great. She asks someone in Valimar to draw a few circles and her soul alt for another viewing portal and then they can both go home.