The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
He'll play with the dragons another while then turn off the stream and tell Cam he can go. "I'm gonna take more summons, it helps with proving I'm really a demon."
Nope. But they are monitoring the circle and are prepared to offer him a bunch of things that demons like for dragon eggs.
Inconveniently if he can't talk he can't explain the situation, so he just stands there looking at them and slowly shaking his head.
They run out their list and then run through it again in case he has changed his mind.
He contemplates going to circles wearing a shirt that says 'I can't trade you dragon eggs but if you're equipped to handle them I would consider going and getting you an actual dragon'.
Circle on Mars. He gets a dialect of Portuguese. Little old lady who says that she runs the fairy adoption scheme and is not sure that he is best served by a family that let him die in a summoning accident and get bitten by dragons a lot.
"That's thoughtful of you but it wasn't their fault and I could stay out of the dragon enclosure if I didn't want to get nipped. I have really great parents, and part of that's letting me take my own risks."
"I summoned a fairy. I was using a textbook and everything. The textbook wasn't good enough and the fairy murdered me. It was horrible but it wasn't their fault."
Circle in China, looks like they tried to erase it when he didn't show but didn't get enough of it to make it invalid. It's missing some binding though.
He writes Cam. Uh someone tried to erase this circle but looks like it's still valid, but they successfully erased a lot of the binding, how do I let them know so they can send me home without the authorities finding out and shooting the person -
What does his summoner look like -