The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
And he shows Minor the backyard and where a zipline could go, and gives him a banana chip.
"Okay!" And then the kid screws up his face and makes a show of concentrating really hard.
"That too. I should go ask him if he bought Cam's old house yet, I need it to livestream the dragons."
He has in fact secured the property rights by waving around large sums of money.
Minor streaming live with the baby dragons gets going. He will take questions from viewers while he plays with the dragons!
What do the baby dragons eat? Where is he? Why doesn't Jurassic Park have dragons? (This devolves into a flamewar about whether dragons would be appropriate to Jurassic Park, a dinosaur zoo in Mexico.) This commenter summoned a demon and the demon couldn't make him a dragon egg, was it bullshitting?
He will let the baby dragons try all kinds of demonic meats to see which they like best! He's at his family's house, it has a big backyard because Theodore pulls stunts like this a lot. (Theodore objects in the background.) He doesn't think the company that has developed the dragons has fielded any offers from Jurassic Park. Minor hasn't personally tried making a dragon egg because they're proprietary, but maybe demons can't make them for some reason. Also people probably shouldn't get their own dragons at home, dragons need a lot of care and grow up to be very very big and could endanger fragile humans.
Why does he have a family if he's a demon? Why is he a kid if he's a demon? What company developed the dragons? How big do they get, can they see grownups?
He doesn't have any grownup dragons around but they can see grownups in a later video maybe. Some demons have families; most demons start as adults and without knowing anyone, but demons still fall in love and get married and things. Some demons wish they could have kids. The company that developed the dragons is staying secret for now for marketing reasons or something (he shrugs).
If he's a demon why doesn't he have wings? If demons can't have kids how does he have a brother? Why do angels hate demons? Teach the dragons to do an obstacle course. Is his brother a demon? Would dragons eat people? Is that a tentacle coming out of the lake?
"I wasn't always a demon! When I was thirteen I was in a summoning accident and I died and woke up in Hell, as a demon. My brothers are all human. Michael's dating a demon, though. I don't have wings because if I got them now they'd be the wrong size when I got bigger; once I'm a grownup I can get them. I haven't decided what kind I want yet. There are wing catalogues in Hell so you can pick ones that are super fast or super fashionable or something. I dunno why angels hate demons, I think they think we're lazy? Because doing stuff as an angel is hard and takes lots of practice and demons can just do it. That doesn't mean we're lazy, though." He will totally teach the dragons to do an obstacle course. "Dragons'd probably eat people. They try to take a chunk out of me sometimes. That's probably the giant squid, yeah."
Why is there a giant squid in a lake? His name is weird if it's supposed to be a human name. If the dragons are so proprietary why is he livestreaming them. Do they have names.
It's a freshwater giant squid. Another genetic engineering project. He likes his name just fine. There aren't any rules about livestreaming the dragons. They do have names, all sixteen of them!!