The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
No one has decided to participate in a legal remediation process yet. One person raised a complaint which seemed legitimate to me, which is that once they accept the summons to engage with the justice system, if they then cannot find adequate counsel - or, presumably, if they desire to call anyone in the daeva realms to testify - they are still trapped there under the binding. I was trying to think of a process that avoids this drawback.
"If they can be guaranteed safe to be around with some application of magic they could be brought through the Milliways door."
I can suppress daeva abilities. I do not think Revelation would want them under those conditions but we could take them.
"It might suffice for the trial? The bindings they normally use have to pull double duty."
Yes, part of the problem is that the bindings that are reasonable for awaiting and preparing for trial are not necessarily the same ones as are ideal for long term sentencing but Revelation can't expect that a daeva dismissed for their sentencing binding would return. What if we had an area of our world where daeva abilities did not work and where they were constrained to remain, but could otherwise act freely, including reading at their leisure about our legal system, interviewing potential attorneys, and so on, and it was understood that they could opt out of the trial process and return home if they agreed to do so under a binding that prohibited taking summons, and nothing else...
It's possible they are dependent on daeva abilities to the point where they'd be seriously disabled without - it wouldn't surprise me if some fairies never bothered learning to walk, for one thing. Can you be selective?
...could probably permit uses of magic on yourself without permitting uses on others, but a fairy using themself as a battering ram could still do a lot of damage.
"Maybe a moat of magicless area, large enough to bleed off momentum - and an effect to ground ships - but principally house them somewhere it works."
"Within the limits of their indestructibility, which is the limit they have at home too. Demons and angels might find being around fairies inconvenient if they were moved around, though."
That seems like it would interrupt my employment. Angel employers aren't accustomed to this sort of thing.
You could take the option to return here immediately under a binding that only prohibited taking future summons, and not miss any work.
Nod. While I'm getting everything set up I will consider ways we can demonstrate the trustworthiness of the system before it has time to establish itself.