The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"Of course. Honestly I'd have been all the more frantic to do it if I hadn't thought so highly of him."
"Some people might feel entitled to mention that they resurrected the people they stand accused of murdering, in a trial, and if they weren't letting you talk..."
"I mean. I didn't get them all and they don't have fine sentencing gradations for a million versus fifty-five."
"I wasn't worried you'd say. I did try observing to someone that since you wouldn't say a serious miscarriage of justice would occur but they didn't seem very moved by that."
"I'm pointing out that even if I didn't care what would happen to anyone else if I said that, it wouldn't be useful."
"It'll be relevant for the Valinor version. We're thinking of having the Valar go to Hell and make it not work anymore, then it doesn't really matter what people learn."
"I don't want to demand a show trial or anything, but the Valinor version is not ending with Cam sentenced to some obnoxious set of restrictions, right -"
"I really really don't think they'll find you guilty but even if they did the only thing you've been up to that I see it interfering with is the Melkor-killing."
"Yeah." Sigh. "Cam, do you have suggestions on how the Valar should - persuade people to accept a summons - without being horrible, they won't want to be horrible."
"Well, having a couple hundred open is more annoying than I'd expected. So maybe not that. I'm not sure."
Scary fairy who went around torturing people to death, couple of angels who set things on fire and performed unwanted cosmetic alterations on people, couple demons one of whom took hostages and demanded the de-chiplocking of some unreleased manuscripts and killed off a hostage when the author refused before the summoner could be found, the other of whom blew up a space station.
"I do not foresee them objecting to those people being arrested. There are already circles out for them, right, maybe they can just show up and tell them that taking the circle is a better idea than not doing that."
"Yes, there are already circles out for them and they add new ones occasionally so they can't just take an isolated later one and know it's a friendly one; that's what got me."