The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
Yeah. Ganymede is on, well, Ganymede, to make sure even fairies would have a while before they got anywhere they could be trouble and they can be dismissed in time if there's some kind of accident, but that won't work for this batch; is there a way to contact the Valar in an emergency?
They have FTL communications among each other but I don't actually know if they're interdimensional. Checked about having security fairies managing from outside and they're trying some things to see if they can get that working.
A week later, treaties coming along, and someone suggested that the orcs might be amenable too if someone who isn't an Elf asks them, does Ganymede have people you'd want to represent you for that? Valar think they could exempt specific daeva from the antimagic, they don't have it yet but apparently it looks possible in principle, does that work? Valar can send people unclothed unless daeva can incorporate an explosive vest into their indestructibility somehow, in which case no can do; my mail demon thinks that would be really really hard and pretty much impossible on short notice but we can't count on short notice and 'really really hard' is not quite where I want the bar for safety, suggestions?
Ran this by a team of people and they came up with another potential complication; there are a few Godspring mage daeva and will eventually be more of them, this arrangement is probably insecure against greenmages, forensics cannot conveniently check for that. Could just avoid arresting ex-humans from Godspring in this manner, at least for the time being, but I want that formalized somewhere so it doesn't get forgotten first project handoff. Have you gotten a summary of Godspring magic?
We're not really equipped for diplomacy per se and would rather attach somebody to an existing diplomatic arm of some kind. If they can exempt specific daeva then that'll work great, our security fairies are all long term and really good. I think incorporating explosives into indestructibility is a contradiction in terms but they could maybe incorporate things that would become explosives if disincorporated; however, again, we've never had this problem. Attentive security fairies can keep an explosion contained but ours usually don't have to be attentive on quite that moment to moment a level...
The more I think about this the more I wonder if it's worth it. I think Chua thinks the only way to get the daeva punished is to do it ourselves, though, is she right?
We have reason to want arrangements like this to be possible, even if it's not worth the risk in your star system - there are dimensions where people hatch from eggs, it's a significant medium-term concern of ours to figure out what to do if Hell finds out about them. Elven courts are more than willing to remove daeva who might hurt people from circulation, but punishment is -
- for cultural context here, the evil god who uploaded and tortured hundreds of millions of people during the recent war, and regrets it not at all, and promises to do it again if he got the chance, is in the coziest VR setup it was possible to arrange for him. I was one of the people uploaded, and I'm pretty much satisfied with that outcome. I think there were about a thousand signatories on the petition to execute him but it was very emphatic about proposing that because of the risk he'd eventually get loose, not merely because he deserved it. We would probably have to observe a case of someone making trouble in expectation they'll get lenient sentencing to persuade our courts to punish for deterrence, and they'll never punish just for the emotional satisfaction of the victims. Which is why I am trying to arrange for us to just not touch crimes against humans; some cultural differences are best handled by letting us each do things our way.
I can send you the furniture angel's trial transcript. Or would it have to be a future case?
No, that'd do it - you don't have the truth effects so it'll be less persuasive but I expect I could get somewhere with it, better if you have video.
His mail demon is a big fan of Macalaurë's and agreed to do mail hourly in exchange for attending all his live performances and occasionally meeting him for lunch. Macalaurë finds the arrangement very flattering and it's terribly convenient. He asks for the trial tapes.
"You've been on summonses with lax bindings before."
"Why now?"
"Well, I'd learned to do it, and also last time state of the art justice would be a vigilante sticking me in their shed."
Thanks, I can work with that. Does Ms. Chua get on along better with our new liaison? If so it might be that the most useful thing I can do for relations is stay home and argue the courts into harsher penalties.
Sadly no one else with 'prince' in front of their name is both qualified and interested in forking for it. I might not have made the job sound overwhelmingly fun. What would you like my priority to be here?
The fairy, pretty much. Everybody else we can maybe sell that they can never hurt anybody again and it's okay, but acquitted by a foreign court who justifies torturing people to death not so much.
Yes, understood. I'll work on it. - don't know if it was mentioned, but some Elves can talk to animals, that's part of the reason for the strength of the reaction to there being torture factories full of them, people are thinking of it as something much closer to 'torture factories full of people'.
I very dearly wish he'd been convicted, don't get me wrong, but we are not eager to enshrine 'they didn't know better' in our laws as a defense when we're encountering worlds with slavery and so on. They don't know better and nonetheless absent a nonlethal means of freeing slaves we will free slaves, absent a nonlethal means of closing torture factories we will close torture factories...
I am doing and will keep doing everything I can. I've challenged the sentencing, I've challenged the framework, I've met the judges for dinner, I'm filing appeals, I'm trying to feel out whether I can get anywhere by talking to the fairy, but characterizing it to your society as 'foreign court decides torturing people to death is okay' is your decision. The press releases I have seen have seemed very deliberately designed to have people as terrified and distrustful of our process as possible. If that's to put pressure on me, consider me pressured, and stop digging a hole.
If you do successfully summon him I am confident I'm now positioned to prevent that from causing problems for you.
We're still thinking about antimagic prison design but I think it's dead in the water. A breakout of an unbound criminal would be too much.