The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
Ms. Chua expressed some sentiments last time we spoke to the effect that lawyers are portable, if you think it'd be helpful we'd be happy to bring some of yours out here. I talked with my counterpart in Alqualondë over lunch, they're tentatively okay with a no-shelter law for rape and murder but not for property damage and specifically not for vlogging, how hard should I push on that?
I could try to convince her to try him in absentia. She's not gonna budge on the arson angel, it's pure luck that didn't have casualties.
Vlog demon's not even in Alqualondë, he's in Hazel - though he was here this week, actually - so it's an entirely theoretical point at the moment. It's not luck that one didn't have casualties, the angel pulled the fire alarm before starting the fire, but I am agreed that similar situations could arise where it is luck.
Vlog demon'll get off, pretty much no question, so trial in absentia'll probably wrap that up fine. Mars arcologies are pretty high oxygen, the fire alarm didn't give all that much warning and there were some injuries.
And a few days later - okay, haven't made the lightleaper trip over to Endorë yet but Valimar and Alqualondë have both agreed to no-shelter laws for violent crimes generally, they're debating specific wordings, this morning's drafts are attached (just key bits, I'm paying per character here). Won't be a problem with people trying to rescue daeva from your custody in future.
Leaving for Endorë now, contact my staff at this address if you need anything while I'm in transit. (I'll take a demon but if she wants to go home can't summon a new one.) Valar agreed to set it up for you and to deposit any future dangerous daeva there. If you have anyone you need they could do that now.
Chua's really antsy about making any suggestions like that before the first five are resolved. Can I get some excruciating step by step on how it'd happen if I tossed you a name?
Yeah. We look into it, verify your forensics - no offense or anything, but that was a major sticking point. This does not take longer than six hours. If they're on active summons outside our jurisdiction we let you know. If they're home or here we send a local messenger (another daeva of same type) if we can find anyone who lives within reasonable transit distance (< 12 hours) of there. Local messenger informs them that they're under arrest, such and such charges, and should expect to be transferred to Ganymede in ten minutes. Ten minutes later they show up in the antimagic zone.
Chua's babysitting the new forensics demon personally, seems to actually like her. What happens if they live farther than that?
I'm glad she found someone, a sticking point last time we talked was that none of our offers of verification were meaningful until you had somebody. If they're farther than that then if they're a demon we'll write them, same form of notice, give them six hours to check their mail, and otherwise they don't get notified but we'll wait to do the transfer until they are not holding or telekinetically supporting anything irreplaceable or alive.
Okay, what if there's a forensics dispute or they hang onto an alive or irreplaceable thing?
Once they're notified if they don't put it down that's their lookout (Valar think they could maybe save an animal if warned anyway). If they're out of notification range and hanging onto something then Valar can notify them directly, they just prefer that be a last resort because it was disruptive last time they tried it. Forensics dispute we'll send you our exact wording and our conclusion, compare notes, ultimately we won't go ahead without evidence the daeva was present at the crime and is currently either unbound or bound by one of the people under the jurisdiction agreements I'm hammering out right now but we won't insist on evidence they're guilty or anything, that's for trial.
I used to live on Valinor. Demons if they're in the right star system at the right time that counts.
I can think of some ways it fails and you guys get annoyed - presently on a long term Hazel summons means we're not touching it and I think Hazel's got a reasonable number of those. I am not trying to negotiate a jurisdiction agreement with Queen Victoria though if you guys manage to secure one we'll abide by it once it exists. Godspring also has a patchwork of local kings, barons, etc. but there we have an in and also a bottleneck on summoning, I think I can get someone who's presently in Godspring dismissed and then they're a fair target.
If the daeva get out of the anti-magic field - but I assume you're taking that sufficiently seriously.
If the antimagic field is good it won't be a problem unless one of them shows up with power tools for hands. ...Please abort and notify me if one of them has power tools for hands.
Noted. - should we in fact make sure they don't transfer with their clothes stuffed full of explosives, and if so how -
Yes please. I'm not sure how the Valar would go about it but if it's feasible to just transfer them all by themselves we can have clothes ready?
I expect that's feasible. Would it be possible for a determined daeva to replace their skullcap with explosives or something?
An angel could, maybe a demon. We've never actually had that problem but it'd be harder to handle without a security fairy. Is it possible the antimagic zone could allow a fairy outside of it to move things inside of it?
Not the way they had it set up here, but I don't know that it's impossible in principle. I can have someone ask.
That'd definitely be easiest. We can make it work without if we have to, though, maybe land them outside the architecture for a search.
It might not come up but it seems like daeva'd be a lot more motivated to cause a big explosion and get outside the antimagic zone than they were in the standard prison, and also that it'd be a lot more disastrous if they succeeded.