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"Then it seems like this does not work for you."


" - I am unclear on what requests for us you're bringing to the table today. I cannot magically force daeva to accept summons. Is there anything else I can do for you?"


"Apparently today it does not suit you and you will have some charming excuse for why you couldn't possibly have actually done as you just offered to do when the capability materializes!"


"I can't achieve the jurisdiction agreement without your help. I would love to discuss with you how we could achieve it together but if we leave things as they currently stand I doubt very much I will be able to make it happen. It involves persuading six or seven Elven polities to agree never to offer daeva wanted by Ganymede asylum, and our headlines are all full of profiles of this adorable fourteen-year-old child you're currently trying to arrest and I need your help to get anywhere."


"You have just claimed you can't achieve it, period, that you can't turn over those five who we never should have trusted you with in the first place - can't believe I listened to him - you will find the going very hard if you shelter criminals who have aggressed against human citizens. President Melo -"

"Surely you don't think you can convict the kid?" asks the President.

"I don't! I think it needs to go to trial! Apparently being videogenic grants him diplomatic immunity as far as Elves are concerned and they've appointed themselves obstructions in the matter accordingly!"


"I can't turn over the five defendants no matter what, because there does not exist any means of forcing a daeva to take a summons. I can, with your help, achieve an agreement not to summon future defendants, but I am a politician and I work within the constraints of politics and it is very hard for me to successfully push for your interests when everyone I am talking to has mostly heard of you as the people who are trying to arrest a child. - also, if you don't mind, why does it need to go to trial if no one involved thinks there's any chance it'll result in a conviction -"


"Because that is the procedure and it has to be followed predictably and regardless of how long he had been around before he induced half a dozen minors to take their own lives! How do you live with yourself? Those children are dead but he looks charming on camera and you can't convince your people that there should be a formal investigation into those deaths? I am sure that you can find equally appealing photographs of the deceased. President Melo, wouldn't you find it difficult to sell your constituency on relations with Elves if they knew that the angel who burned down half the Opportunity Arcology was released on plea bargain without trial and was going to stay that way? How long are you planning to cover it up?"

"Well - as long as he can't take more summons and no one has to worry about getting him at random -"

"That will not satisfy them all!"


" - would it also help any for them to know it was an accident? Because it was an accident. The angel has a severe clinical anxiety disorder, was summoned for the first time, had a panic attack, and due to an inadequate binding caused damage during the panic attack. He has been curled up at home absolutely paralyzed with terror ever since."


"I would love to be able to produce some sort of trial transcript to that effect, if it's true," Ms. Chua snarls, "but I can't, because you released him on plea bargain."


"If we hadn't talked with him he would still be in Heaven, he was never going to take your circles. It seems to do the process an injustice to insist on comparing it to an outcome that could not have been successfully achieved."


"Stop equivocating about what could have been achieved! You tried the fairy, or at least conveyed him to the semblance of a trial, and it was your own whim that prevented you from doing the same with the arsonist!"


"It was the prosecutor's decision that, given the case facts, offering the defendant a plea bargain would serve the interests of justice. It seems like a reasonable decision to me, truth be told."


"The prosecutors you employ might as well be made of tissue paper!"


"Ms. Chua, what do you want from me?"


"I want you to stop evading about what you can and cannot do such that we only discover the problems with your intentions after you can claim it is too late to remedy the situation! I want you to cease to indulge your vendetta against my organization - it cannot possibly be the only thing about our entire civilization that could be making headlines, I find it deeply suspicious that it is my prison and my prison alone which is swarming with Elves - and I want you to stop sheltering daeva who have attacked human beings from human justice and stop pretending you have every right to do so!"


"The necessity of greater clarity about our limitations has been very firmly impressed upon me. I have no vendetta against your organization and would not choose to pursue it by stirring up complaints that make me wildly unpopular at home, and I will fight tooth and nail to get my neighbors to agree to forbid offering daeva asylum but I state once again that my odds of achieving that are slim without your help. The Noldor have already agreed not to do that ourselves, of course."


"Where are the representatives from the other Elven polities?" wonders President Melo.


"Elves move slowly by human standards, the Noldor unusually less so. They have been having diplomat confirmation hearings and ship dedications and in one case debates over dress codes."


"You all seem to move quickly enough when it comes to sheltering torturers and arsonists," hisses Chua.


"I will tell them you have suggestions on their prioritization."


"You keep alluding to help you want from me. What is it that you have in mind, do you want me to break the rules of my own organization to take down the circles for the vlog demon because he produces Elf-inspiring quotations, is that it?"


"No. I would ideally like you to find someone charismatic who can go with me to heads of state and make the case for the human perspective less, ah, divisively than you made it to me today. I would have an easier time if you gave daeva an appeals process and demons a gag that permitted them to write letters to their families."


"My charismatic employees have gotten nowhere! They let you run circles around them! And now there are five daeva we cannot arrest no matter how many circles we lay out because you've inserted your own ideas of how to handle them without being asked! We cannot adjust the bindings of already arrested demons and my active summoners are avoiding Ganymede like the plague because they are afraid of the Elves who are so upset about the pancelestial-guideline-exceeding prison conditions and think if they set foot there to, say, allow the demons to write for non-trial purposes, something might happen to them - it does not help that your court just effectively affirmed the right to torture people to death if they're involved in institutions you don't care for!"


"We can swear to things, you're familiar with that, right, do you want me to swear I know of no one with access to Ganymede who would contemplate that and that I will use every resource available to me to protect the lives of your employees?"


"I consider you absolutely untrustworthy and far too clever with words to get around that by swearing to things."

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