The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"Hi. Trade you paperclips and then the door's right there, should open to someplace familiar to you."
...Kayanda makes a paperclip. Cam tosses her one of his own and she throws hers to Timothy.
The door opens to show Colleen, who is pacing. Kayanda goes through and hugs her and murmurs in her ear.
Colleen takes her circle and also performs a paperclip trade.
Kayanda's wife was human, murdered her toddler, he writes the GCP guy once Timothy's confirmed they're safe. Took the job so she could cover for her, she was scared you'd arrest her. Her friend helped just because she hated you guys.
...well, now we have to find new forensics demons. I guess we would have had to do that anyway.
Kind of. I think Hazel'd be amenable to helping you pay them better if you were to negotiate some kind of jurisdiction agreement with them.
The time we tried that with the Elves it was a horrible communication failure, I don't think anybody on our end is in a hurry to try again soon.
We didn't even call them it! The first time somebody did it to Nymi she took her shirt off till they stopped.
Imagine being unable to talk and having to resort to that to get people to stop misgendering you.
He suspects the GCP will have a harder time finding forensics demons now that there are places that don't gag them but it's really not his lookout.
The GCP has a lot of trouble finding replacement forensics demons. They borrow regular police departments' demons for the time being.
Not formally, but they've stopped contradicting it on the Internet. He's still under arrest though.
He's still not going back to Hell. He does point out that they've stopped contradicting it - "which is good, because the coverup wasn't going to last much longer and it would have been terribly damaging to their credibility to keep insisting it was a lie decades after everyone believed it."
He emails the Sesame Street Luna guy to say he'll take a role if he can commute from Earth instead of taking summons for it.
This doesn't technically make a difference to Sesame Street Luna but they're kind of eeeeeh on the encouraging suicide thing now that they have heard of it, like, three year olds watch this, can he stick to a script.
Yes, but they're funded principally by donations and can't really afford a controversy.
Their call. Though if they take him on and get in trouble for it he can make up the lost donations and then some.
They can't actually enforce that sort of promise on a demon unless he wants to put it in escrow but they're on the whole willing to trust him.