The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"We could go for a walk, have our environment suits conjured fresh by the staff demon so they're clean, if it's so important," smiles the President.
So they go to the staff demon and receive fresh environment suits and go out for a stroll in the unterraformed redness of Mars. "What's on your mind?"
"Demons can make Elves. This was discovered during the war; it is very important that it not become widely known in Hell. The backup chips in our brains don't work if they make them naively, the same as if they tried to make a human; but if you copy the data to a fresh chip, which is easy to learn how to do, then you can make a body around it just fine."
"Yes. You recently arrested the demon who was involved in our war, Campbell Swan. The, ah, natural defense in the murder trial he is facing would be that he brought the people back to life afterwards, which he did. It seems to me that it would be a serious miscarriage of justice to try to conduct a murder trial without mentioning that the victims are alive and well, but it is also not an option to commit to the record of a trial that will doubtless attract a lot of interest that this is a thing demons can do."
"By 'you' I assume you mean the Ganymede Circling Police? Mars subscribes but does not administer."
"Yes. I don't know how long they've had a circle out for him but he answered it this morning. It was my hope that Mars would be equipped to help me navigate this while sharing the sensitive information as minimally as possible."
"Inconveniently I am away from my computer and cannot look up whether that is even his only charge."
"We can conduct the rest of the discussion elsewhere if you think we can talk around the sensitive information carefully enough."
"That is why we are on this walk, of course. Is there anything I should know before we turn around?"
"I did confirm he has no outstanding charges from conduct in this star system; they are all related to the war. I would really appreciate it if the Ganymede Circling Police found the case outside their jurisdiction entirely, and allowed Elven governments to pursue cases involving our worlds and our citizens, particularly ones as sensitive as this."
"Jurisdiction is a funny concept with daeva. If they find he's dangerous, matters less who he was dangerous to and more who he might be dangerous to later."
"That is understood, but the evidence that he is not dangerous is almost entirely constituted in 'he didn't kill anyone until we had a way to bring them back, then undertook an operation with significant collateral damage on my authorization as part of the course of a war and immediately brought them back'. Without that information they can't evaluate the answer properly, and they cannot have the information."
"Look," says the President, "I'm not sure what it is you want me to do; I don't run the GCP."
"I would like your advice on how to get him released while telling as few people as possible what I have just told you."
"Could pretend you're very upset with him, want somebody immortal doing the summoning so he doesn't skip out in a few decades."
"It's no trouble, my friend, no trouble at all!"
And the president of Mars introduces him to the planetary GCP contract.