The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
Eighteen year old in Austria, cut herself and bled out. She's a fairy now. She didn't leave a note but she was known to have watched his channel.
Well, hopefully she's happy. Did the GCP email him (or his attorney, he can catch that too) or just put out the circles?
Yes yes yes he has a plan. Which he promised not to act on until the trial was over for the poor demon who participated in the assisted suicide, when's that scheduled?
Minor makes videos. Building a bigger pasture for the dragons. Sneak peak at the next project out of Hazel, unicorns. And the video about the innocent demon facing a murder trial for helping Arati daevafy, unable to even talk in his own defense.
"There's a reason that human defendants aren't gagged for their trials and forced to write. You all must have noticed how sometimes misunderstandings happen over the internet where they wouldn't in person because speech is just so much more expressive."
"It's not the same, trust me, I've been gagged. Tone matters, and communicating in a medium you're comfortable with matters. They would never gag human defendants. If some place did, everyone else would consider it a human rights violation."
Someone thinks that the GCP of all people would probably know if it were really untrue that demons can take souls.
"Everyone assumes wrong. The Elves found out about people daevafying when they die within like a week because Elves talk to us. The entire population of Godspring has now summoned a daeva because they got confirmation and then took the implications seriously. This world has a prejudice which it has permitted to blind it for a very long time."
"People noticed! People said things! And we weren't believed, we weren't taken seriously, we weren't trusted! Any of you can summon a demon and ask for the posthumous works of William Shakespeare, any of you can confirm this in your own living room - though use the bindings linked on this site, or other comparably trustworthy ones, summoning without adequate bindings really is dangerous."
"There's still an afterlife for nonsummoners, they just don't get any powers. But William Shakespeare is still around writing plays, yeah, I've read the ones after he died and some of them are excellent."