In a minute, with some folding out long lengths of time where nothing of interest happens, the reels are laid out and aligned.
"Clear as day! Whenever a Divine Beast comes online, towers in the immediate local area lose all power. As expected! However, AFTER the Divine Beast leaves the launch site, the towers of that geographical region CONTINUE TO OPERATE AT REDUCED CAPACITY, first bouncing back to 60% power after launch, but then declining to 5% the original output over the next weeks!
"This means that diffusional effects play a much stronger part than we believed! Not only does a Divine Beast totally exhaust paraplanar energies in the immediate vicinity, it also over time drains most of the power in a much larger region for miles and miles and miles, with long-range effects seen all across Hyrule! We only never noticed because the combined shadow of the four Divine Beasts covers all of Hyrule, and we've never had access to ancient technology while not under their effect!
"To confirm this, I checked on the ancient furnace in Akkala while Cam was away, and indeed, it's now burning brighter and hotter than I could have ever imagined, and getting brighter and hotter with every second! I was able to stoke a truly tremendous draw from it to recharge the ultracapacitors in the lab in only a few minutes!"