April in Starter Villain
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"Yeah, yeah, hello to you too."


Pippi rubs up against her legs a few more times before heading over to the bath mat to relax and lick a paw clean while she waits for April to finish. 


She finishes brushing her teeth and rinses her mouth and looks at the cat and sighs. "Man. I really am a shit roommate, you know. Like, don't get your hopes up."


If Pippi could understand human speech, Pippi wouldn't be worried about that. April seems like she'll do perfectly fine. But since Pippi is an entirely normal cat that cannot understand human speech, she instead continues cleaning a paw as though she couldn't understand anything April just said. 


"G'night, Pippi. I assume I'll find out if you hate your bed by checking whether it's scattered across the floor in pieces tomorrow morning."


Pippi's bed is fine, and she's not going to scatter it about. Still, she isn't heading there quite yet. Instead she follows April as she heads towards her bedroom, to see if she leaves the door open or not. 


"Following me into my bedroom is creeper behaviour," she says, trying to sidle in and close the door without leaving an opening for the cat.


The cat, for once, does not try to follow her inside, but instead watches her go and then heads for her own bed. She is heading there to sleep for the night, like a normal cat, and not to wait around until April is asleep so she can do other things. 


April, having no idea of the extent to which her cat's narration doth protest too much, flops into bed and tries not to think too hard about the turns her life has taken. Eventually she manages to fall asleep.


When April comes to check on her new roommate in the morning, she'll find the cat resting in the cat bed. Pippi immediately perks her head up when she sees April, though, and meows softly. 


"Good morning to you too. What are your thoughts on breakfast?" she asks, hauling a can of wet food out of the cupboard and observing Pippi's reaction.


Pippi is excited about breakfast! Or at least, hear head follows the can of food with alertness. 


That looks like a yes on breakfast. She dispenses the can into the dish and then goes to make breakfast of her own (bowl of cereal).


Pippi rubs up against April's legs appreciatively on the way to the food bowl, and tucks in fastidiously. 


Once the bowl is empty, she takes a takes a drink from the water bowl, cleans herself of the few bits of food that ended up where food should not, and perks up her head to see what April is up to. 


Bowl of cereal complete. Yawning and putting her dishes in the dishwasher.


Pippi is careful to wait for April to finish putting her dishes away before getting her attention, and then comes up to brush past her legs and purr warmly at her. 


"I don't get why you're so happy to see me when our entire relationship has consisted of me trying and failing to keep you out of my house, but sure, hi."


If Pippi could understand human speech she would have made some indication towards the food bowls that are put out, or the cozy bed made for her that she slept in last night, but of course she understands none of human speech as a normal cat, and so just rubs up against her legs again and then stalks off a couple of cat-lengths and turns her head, meowing at April. 


Sure, okay, we can play Follow the Kitty.


She will not have to follow the kitty very far! The kitty leads her to her front door, and then turns to make sure April is still there. Once she's confirmed that she is, Pippi looks up at the doorknob and meows plaintively. 




She sighs heavily.

"If you get hit by a car I'm going to be really mad," she says, and opens the door.


Pippi turns around to bop an ankle with her nose in thanks, and then scampers out the door, traveling a dozen lengths or so before slowing to a careful stalk. 


She closes the door.




She texts Daisy.

some of us have jobs, April

okay what's your cat door budget
idk, what's a normal cat door budget???
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