For want of better artistic media in the dismal 'public housing' space-station, Isaac is drawing on the metal floor of his room with food ash. He'll probably get in trouble for it, but he doesn't care at this point. The picture shows a wizard summoning a demon with a magic circle. The writing around the sides is in Greek, because he wanted something that looked fancy but he didn't just want to do random nonsense.
Isaac will lead him out of the room, through an extremely long (probably somewhere around a mile) corridor, around a corner, along a similarly long corridor which doesn't have doors but has other corridors coming off the side and more people walking through it, to a set of lifts across the corridor from a grocery store. At the lifts (which have hundreds of buttons) he takes them to a floor labelled "E" (one of two floors designated with letters rather than numbers, the other being "S"), where they open onto a train station. After numerous stops, he will lead Cam out of the train and into a room with a number of doors on the opposite wall.
The room contains a large number of people in what appears to be some sort of futuristic blue armour and armed with rifle-like weapons, many of them escorting people in less uniform, shabbier clothing, similar in style to Isaac's but less well-made and more ornately decorated, into the train station. In some cases, the civilian-looking people are resisting and being taken into the station by force.
"These folks all got eminent domained out of wherever they were and trucked here?" Cam murmurs, barely getting a leather coat on in time to hide the wings.
"They're docking ports, not airlocks, opening them without a spaceship on the other side would kill everyone in the room, so the police won't let us do it and there's safeguards on the doors to make it physically impossible. Suicide by vacuum isn't illegal, but entering a spaceship without the owner's permission is and the police aren't going to assume we have permission to be on any of the spaceships."
"Right, let's go find a place where we can walk into vacuum. I'll make us air and a spaceship around us once we're far enough out."
"...okay." Cam makes a little model of the station to see if it's visible from the outside.