For want of better artistic media in the dismal 'public housing' space-station, Isaac is drawing on the metal floor of his room with food ash. He'll probably get in trouble for it, but he doesn't care at this point. The picture shows a wizard summoning a demon with a magic circle. The writing around the sides is in Greek, because he wanted something that looked fancy but he didn't just want to do random nonsense.
"I don't know how many questions people are likely to ask where. Paulos and the Foundation Ring have more money than anywhere else, and Riordan is the biggest commercial centre. Cui University has a reputation as paying a lot for anything of academic interest, but I expect they'll ask questions about it. If you want to sell your world's art to people who want to pass it off as theirs that will probably go for a lot in Riordan or Diallo. If you want to sell minerals a lack of questions is hardly the biggest concession people in Paulos or Foundation have given in exchange for them, and even if they ask too many questions their suppliers in Riordan might not. People in Riordan and Diallo pay a lot for uploading, so if you can undercut Kensington by even a bit they'll probably pay a lot for that."
"I don't know how to do uploading but I can do minerals." What minerals are 'spensive here.
Cool. "I think I'm going to go off and get underway now. How shall I find you again if I need you for something or want to offer you a spot in my space station?"
"I would be making myself a spaceship and trying to find a way to make some money so I could buy an orbital and put a station on it."