It's been a bit over a month since Naima's failed assassination, which means a bit over a month hiding the temple of Abadar in Sothis while they plan their next move. Well, he think it's been a bit over a month. They don't get outside much, what with the being in hiding, and baby Ines isn't sleeping through the night yet, so he really has only the most general idea of the passage of time. When the baby eats, he plays with Rahim, when the baby sleeps, he holds her and works on Fabricate.
Ines doesn't go down these days without long walks through the hallways, and it's on one of these that he happens to catch the date. He doesn't think much of it at the moment, as the baby's inconsolable, but when he brings her back to Naima to nurse –
"Do you know tomorrow's Crystalhue?"