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And my final verdict is...

Half of one standard deviation above median! It picked up at around the point where she forgot that she was an entity in a structure and just kind of became a thing that rotates shapes. There really is a magic to following the innermost exhortations of your soul without filtering it through the plinko board of instrumentality. 


Rotating that many shapes has caused your ROT skill to increase by 

Rotating that many shapes has caused your ROT skill to increase by
Rotating that many shapes has caused your ROT skill to increase by ╣
Rotating that many shapes has caused your ROT skill to increase by 0!
Rotating that many shapes has caused your ROT skill to increase by ▒
Rotating that many shapes has caused your ROT skill to increase by 2!

And there settles the blue text.


gxelo sees half a standard deviation and doesn't really know what to make of it. it's still plausibly deniable.

oh huh some free points in ROT (she was not watching out for anything interesting happening with the text). that... one thing that she might have tested, might not, is more dakka, seeing if more points added more standard deviations. she guesses this works. she can try that. 

wow she. rotated a lot of shapes. she realises quickly that this next shape rotation test, now that her hyperfocus has been interrupted, isn't actually going anywhere or going to be measuring anything, and she switches panels over to do i even have to say it. 

maaan even these thread titles are kind of sludgy. okay let's get some caffeine water actually. 

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