heretic!conrad with paul and jessica in dune!
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"Yeah, he doesn't do handshakes apparently. His name is Conrad Ferrer and he just appeared out of nowhere while I was fighting the Sardaukar. Ostensibly he saved my life, but obviously I still don't trust him. The timing of his appearance was... extremely convenient. Oh, and he claims to have magic."


"I am indebted to you for saving Duncan". He bows his head slightly and points at Duncan as he says so.

"You must be famished, let us go eat together."

He gestures to Conrad <we - go - food> <come>.


Conrad will sign <wilco> and follow!




...shit. Right, these are the Duke Paul Atreides and Lady Jessica. He should probably be doing some sort of...prostration...though Duncan isn't doing anything. And they don't seem to have taken offense at the lack of bowing and scraping. So he will just go as he has been commanded.


The food and drinks smell vaguely of cinnamon, but are otherwise very tasty, if completely alien.

Everyone sitting around the table is relaxed and the atmosphere seems incredibly informal for being the lunch of a Duke. Well, everyone except for Lady Jessica, who is keeping to herself and not really talking to anyone. Her eyes keep darting in his direction, but always with a plausible deniability, as if she's not looking directly at him.

Duncan and his Duke are talking and laughing together, and they look like old friends more than lord and vassal.


Conrad has never tasted cinnamon before so it will be a very interesting experience! He wants to eat A Lot but don't know if this is rude, so he's not going to eat any more than...who to index his amount of eating on...Duncan eats.

He doesn't consciously notice Lady Jessica looking at him, but he certainly feels Observed on this occasion and wants to make sure he doesn't fail any tests. Which there probably are even if he doesn't know what exactly they are.

He won't speak unless someone talks to him or about him directly. What do the other people seem to be talking about?

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