Minor summons murderfairy
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"I hope he can still do magic."


"I hope it for his sake but it's kind of a problem if in general we have to choose between letting 1802 wizards die permanently or letting them wizard-daeva. Or catching them all as fast as we can and keeping them somewhere under bindings, I guess that's an option."


"Accepting summonses is voluntary."


"If they don't take any they can't get a wand. If they only take ones not specifically for them, though, then yes, we'd have wizard daeva and nothing we could do about it."


"They could get a wand if somebody brought a bunch home."


"Random wands aren't much good. But - yeah, if Minor's not a Muggle we have a logistical mess on our hands and if he is then I just have a really devastated little brother."




"I should've been looking out for him, should've been paying more attention -"


"You couldn't've been constantly supervising."


"No but constantly - accessible - I usually am, at school he always knows where to find me -"


"Do you think he looked? Or would have if you'd had really predictable whereabouts?"


"He would've said something when he asked Bar for all those books and - whatever else he would've had to ask for to get the name -"


"We were within, not even shouting distance, less than that, of Bar, holding the door and watching Atriama. He knew where you were."


"At school I did not do things like watch movies snuggling with my boyfriend he would have felt freer to interrupt - or someone would have said to him 'what are you doing' -"





"I don't want to let people in my world die, now that we know, but it's going to be a logistical nightmare rolling it out - forget wizards, no one can read...and it goes wrong so easily..."


"We have all the time in the world."


"Only sort of, if we stay here long enough to have visibly aged a couple years the kids can't really go back to school, and if we aren't wizards once we die there's a hard limit on how long we have anything like our current options -"


"If the limiting factor on polyjuice is in fact boomslang skin that can handle your cosmetic needs, but granted."


"That and the having to drink it every hour, and people know about Polyjuice potion and might find it fishy if you had to drink every hour. I'm not sure the limiting factor on our plans is going to be time to come up with them - time to find more universes and for the Elf versions of my dad to develop non-Milliways-dependent forms of travel between them, yes, but not time to come up with things-"


"We could probably go faster on that. The Milliways desyncing effect seems to mostly be pretty - friendly - it might be that since I don't have to worry about looking older I should ensconce myself somewhere and brainstorm a lot and come out with a document for review."


"That would be useful, yeah. Let me get a definitive answer from Minor on magic, since it'll affect your brainstorming -"




"And the Elves already did a fair bit, you can look through it in more depth now that we know which scenario we're preparing for - oh, we should probably do something for the security and infirmary people too -"


"More elaborate than paying their tab?"

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