Minor summons murderfairy
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"And there's no real mechanism to remove rapists and murderers from circulation - you can try to summon them under a binding but they don't have to accept it, and it's not as if Hell has any law enforcement itself."


"If you have a hundred live circles all for the same person open at once and just leave them there odds are fair that eventually they will find this sufficiently annoying to show up unless they expect it to be really, really unpleasant on the other end."


"Having summons pending is unpleasant?"


"Not exactly. It's like trying not to pick at something that is right there and could totally be picked at. People vary in how good they are at ignoring that but if there's a hundred of them... And this is only specific summons, it's really easy to ignore random ones unless you're on the lookout for them no matter how many there are."


"So - summoning is not super safe, is less safe if the population is more desperate, and is least safe with the daeva who are most useful."


"For pure material scarcity purposes you can make do with angels, they're slower and smaller scale and can't do forensics or information stuff but they can totally do the food-and-shelter package."


"Or enough people can do the wizard gene therapy that we have things to offer demons, or the Singularity Maitimo just spent like a month looking through Bar for music and literature and tech to recommend them that they'd otherwise have had no way of finding. The 'summoning is most dangerous for illiterate desperate people and they're the ones where we'd most want to roll it out' problem is real, though."


"I mean, a single helpful demon, and given the givens I doubt I'm the only one you could find, could probably sharply improve a preindustrial planet singlehandedly."


"Someone who is from a postindustrial planet should work up a step-by-step for that."


"Don't know if we count, we didn't have material scarcity even before we'd invented everything."


"You do not count. The wizards sort of count but not paradigmatically what with the magic."


"All up to you, then. What're we asking angels -"


"Asking, if they'd be interested in being in a pool for recurring summons to a much poorer world that can't pay them, in exchange for an ongoing stipend from us, who can. Checking how they'd react if someone's careless or stupid or snaps the binding."


"I don't actually know if I have a nefarious intent radar, I've never met anyone who was a bad person."


"Elves. I won't count on it, but it'd surprise me if you're bad at it."


"Melkor and company don't get visits?"


"Isn't feasible - well, wasn't in 1370 -"


"They got it working. Melkor was very apologetic and expressed tremendous relief over the oath reform act and was generally as repentent as one could possibly want him.


I didn't go."


Handsqueeze. "I did, he was disturbingly charming, I put the transcript in the notes I gave you -"


Blink blink -


"Huh. Do you think we'd have ever - after enough Ages -"


"If we had we would've probably worked out better supervisory arrangements than the other Ardas but maybe."



"Couldn't upload people anymore, that makes a big difference all by itself. Did my alt go, what was his read -"


"Did not trust him but could not be confident he'd feel that way without context."


"Maybe I should find a Pensieve and let you at most of the interactions I have ever had. I - would find it really really stressful to have that particular skill deficit, do you not?"


"It was slightly so when you forked me but in general no!"

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