Minor summons murderfairy
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Eventually Cam says, "Okay, that's everything I can do without actual amputations, which I'd rather skip if I can get away with it. What's a good test for whether it worked, quick before I forget to meditate on how very important having nuclei is to my body map?"


He hands him his wand.


Cam takes it.


And it trails purplish, acrid-smelling smoke.


He bursts into laughter. "You should try one of Miranda's, it'll - work better - I love you."


Cam hands it back. "It doesn't like me but it acknowledged my existence!" Kiss.


"Wands usually don't like other people, I'm just guessing alts'll be an exception." Kiss. "If not we'll just have to kidnap an Ollivander."


"Kidnap a what?"


"Wandmakers - no actual kidnapping would need to be involved but we might in fact want to relocate them, I have this strange feeling lots of people will want to be wizards."


"You don't say. Do you think I should just tell Minor, or borrow one of Miranda's wands and show him?"


"Just show him, it'll be funnier."


"And it is appropriately compassionate to optimize for that?"


"You're giving him his magic back, he won't care at all how you demonstrate as much and it is probably possible to exploit that too much but you're not going to by accident."


"Okay. Do wands only do that thing the first time you grab them, I don't see yours remarking on how happy it is to see you every time you cast something, that'd imply Minor and Miranda and I all need to be in a room without him knowing why -"


"Yeah they do - tell him we have more demoning tests, meet you both in the main bar?"


So Cam messages Miranda and also Minor and down they go!


Elves are hanging around reading. 


To pass the time Cam asks Bar if there is such a thing as a half chip Elf half human and if so can he get something on their genetic properties so he can compare and contrast thanks - read read.


He comes downstairs. "What else is there to test?"


"Waiting for Miranda, would rather not explain twice."


And then Miranda comes down and trots over to them and hands Cam a wand.

Its tip lights up in a rapidly expanding sphere of soft yellow light that swallows Cam's arm up to the shoulder before it shrinks back to nothing again.


"This involves several hours of gruesome medical procedures - possible it can be cut down, I was guessing - and constant low-key concentration on something you probably don't know enough biology to concentrate on correctly yet, it will probably need redoing if you fall asleep and definitely need redoing if you stop concentrating correctly while awake," says Cam, handing Miranda back her wand, "it's possible you will find that something is different about the quality or controllability or whatever of your magic, disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer known to the state of California to cause cancer void where prohibited etcetera."


"The state of California? Anyway I will learn the biology and concentrate on the thing thank you thank you you really are a Miranda -"


(Miranda preens.)

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