Minor summons murderfairy
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"It's just a little weird for alt reasons, not discomforting." Bounce bounce the tiny Maitimo. "Do you have a question?" she asks him.


Why's everyone stressed and what am I supposed to say?


Since Timothy is a you and he kissed a boy, people think that you might want to kiss boys when you grow up, and your Valar haven't learned yet that this is okay so people from your world are nervous about it. Mine are going to tell yours, and then we hope yours'll tell everybody else from your world, and by the time it matters it'll be fine. You don't have to say anything.


Squeeze. I like having something to say when everyone's stressed.


I know. I can't think of anything that would calm everybody down at once, though.


If there were something one of the grownup mes would probably have said it but there might be something you can only get away with when you're small and cute.


I don't think so. Has this been coming up a lot?


I guess? There were the people who were upset and wanted me to promise to go to Lórien so I said I would but then Cam was upset...



I suppose you could say you'll go to my Lórien and that might at least get a laugh.


Wiggle wiggle. I don't think it'd fix the thing they wanted Lórien to fix, though?


No, mine stopped doing that.


I'm confused. 


My Lórien used to change people who wanted to kiss boys if they were boys, so they wouldn't want that anymore, because he thought that they couldn't get married and be happy. They can, though, my one of you has a husband and two children. So Lórien stopped changing people like that because he didn't need to in order to let them be happy.




"I'm happy," he announces, and wiggles loose. 


Awww. She relinquishes the smol without protest.


"We can ask your Valar how long they expect it to take, unless that would be rude."


"I was thinking I ought to have asked; they shouldn't mind. I, er, explained time."


"Oh, good, we've been trying to do that."


"There were a lot of inferential steps."


"Hopefully it works better when a set that does understand talks to a set that doesn't."


"I'm hoping. It was a very worthwhile project but I don't really want to do it again. Let alone four hundred million more times."


...she leans out the door to see if hers are in range to ask how things are going.


Hey! This is a very interesting world, these Valar have more powerful magic locally but don't have anything like the range. They care about the things we care about, it seems to be a combination of deficits of understanding and a different divine plan.


How different is the plan, and is the Eru going to make things difficult -?

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